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  • 2017-01-21T05:00:00Z on YouTube
  • 15m
  • 6h (24 episodes)
  • United States
  • Comedy, Documentary
100% Original Researched Entertaining Facts about Gaming you DEFINITELY didn't know!!!

24 episodes

Season Premiere


2017x01 5 Game Consoles Literally Rotting Away

Season Premiere

2017x01 5 Game Consoles Literally Rotting Away

  • 2017-01-21T05:00:00Z15m

Games consoles were sadly never built forever, but a lot of retro gamers are completely unaware how quickly these systems are disintegrating. So join Larry as he talks about 5 consoles that may not exist within the next 10 years.

Review scores are a subjective opinion, but every now and then scores appear that are way higher or lower than they objectively should be. So this episode of Fact Hunt, Larry looks at 5 suspicious review scores that were either due to corruption or incompetence, but all received huge backlashes!

At long last, the USA edition of Hidden Pi**ed off Programmer Rants is finally here!!! (The Japanese edition will be up next week too)

It's time to conclude our tirade trilogy with the Japanese edition of Pissed off Programmer Rants!

(BTW: This is 100% Not an April Fools Video) In a media world, Mascots come and go often... 99% of the time it's from lack of sales, but every now and then, they're scrapped because of all manner of bizzare, insane and even tragic reasons. So this episode, Larry checks out the strange reasons behind some of their cancellations...

Thanks to mass advertising from certain publishers, we're led to believe that only a few gaming franchises are majorly successful, when anything could be further from the truth. So this episode Guru Larry takes a look at five much lesser known, but still incredibly successful franchises that you might be surprised at how big they actually are.

Guru Larry takes a look at five well known video games that originally started out development as a licensed property!

Guru Larry takes a look at publishers attempt to promote their games using controversy, but backfired miserably.

Nope, Duke Nukem Forever ISN'T Number One!!! I look into the fascinating world of games that took forever to be released and the fascinating stories as to why.

There's been many Worst Consoles and Worst Selling Console lists on the internet over the years, but bizarrely not one of them has ever put them in actual sales numbers (in fact, many consoles on this list have NEVER been mentioned before). So this episode I finally put to rest what truly are the worst selling consoles of all time!

Every now and then, publishers have no choice to rename games because of cultural offense, recent events, or in regards to today’s episode, because of incredibly stupid reasons!!!

Slapping a license onto a game can be an easy way to sell a terrible game, but sometimes even that is too much for publishers to manage, so become extra skinflint and but only part of a license. So, this episode Larry takes a look at some of the tightest of these licenses! Enjoy!!!

While modern games can easily be patched to remove conflicting content, earlier games didn’t have such a luxury, whenever a controversial topic, or worse a legal threat was brought forward, they not only had to recall all copies on sale, but also literally destroy them. This episode Larry looks at five such cases!

Have you ever sat back and thought… Why do game developers spend years on a game, fully aware that it’s not very good? Well, sometimes developers do it entirely on purpose, even worse for really horrid reasons too! Guru Larry looks at five such examples.

Gaming has become so huge that people are bound to tread on one another's toes every now and again, but sometimes these spats can be for the most hilarious reasons possible, come join Larry as he looks at five such examples.

Hey everyone, I've been away for a while, so unfortunately not been able to create a video this week, but as a lot of people were pointing out issues in my recent Terrible Games episode, I've uploaded a revised version containing all the changes you suggested! Don't worry, this is a one off, two brand new episodes of Fact Hunt will be coming up next week and the week after! Have you ever sat back and thought… Why do game developers spend years on a game, fully aware that it’s not very good? Well, sometimes developers do it entirely on purpose, even worse for really horrid reasons too! Guru Larry looks at five such examples.

2017x17 5 Times NINTENDIDN'T Come First

  • 2017-09-16T04:00:00Z15m

As much loved as Nintendo are, a lot of their history has been altered by incorrect information over the years, mostly people confusing stuff Nintendo made popular, rather than actually invent. So this episode Larry sets the record straight on who did create a lot of

They say it’s a Dog eat Dog world out there, and from the drama we’ve seen in the video game industry over the past few years is to be believed, that’s certainly true. But rather than all the brouhaha journalists cause in the industry, what about the poor ol game developers? If it’s not poor reviews or terrible sales causing these poor guys to go out of business, it’s the commissioning publisher themselves totally destroying their operation with such insane reasons. So this episode, we take a look at these conniving commissioners, these double-crossing deans, and these asinine administrators, some of which you’d have so little faith in, You’d think the project was run by a certain infamous developer.

This episode of Fact Hunt returns to five video games, that bizarrely ported to the same system/console, not once, but Twice!!! And all for incredibly insane reasons!

Nobody likes scalpers, they make everyone's lives a misery for their own personal profit. So this episode Larry takes a look at five events where their greed totally backfired.

Cancelling games is sad, especially for the poor souls who put months, if not years of work into them. So this episode, Larry takes a look at five such instances of games that were given the axe, but not only were given a second chance as a new IP, but also turned into classic titles!

With the recent closure of Visceral, I decided to take a look at several other well loved developers snapped up by Electronic Arts, and then shut down. Developers mentiones: Maxis, Westwood Studios, DICE, Bioware, Electronic Arts, EA, Origin systems, Bullfrog, Lionhead studios, Peter Molyneux,

2017x23 Top 5 Botched Console Launches

  • 2017-11-11T05:00:00Z15m

Launching a console isn't easy, It's incredibly easy to mess things up, to the point some manage to do it so badly it ends up severely damaging or in some cases totally destroying the entire company, Larry takes a look at five such examples!

2017x24 Top 5 Offensive Easter Eggs

  • 2017-12-23T05:00:00Z15m

Guru Larry digs into 5 forgotten Easter eggs that publishers probably would have preferred left forgotten.
