Personal Lists featuring...

Family Matters 1989


Updated: 02 May 2020. Added new 2020 shows.

**Please note: some of the 2020 shows have yet to air.

This list comprises of shows (and some Netflix movies) with black actors as the lead or mostly black cast.


Situation comedy or comedy centered on characters who carry over from episode to episode.


Some popular sitcoms from the 90's


As of 3/3/2024

The following is a list of series from 1950-2023. Series within were in the top ten of both Trakt’s Popular & Trakt’s All Time Watched in each of their respective years. The exception to that sole guideline above was the years 1950-1955, where the top ten were cross reference as a group as opposed to individual years.


These are some of my favorite TV shows I remember growing up. These shows are not a random copy and paste list. These are real shows I personally enjoyed. I don't believe in lists that contain 8,000 movies claiming that everyone must see before they die. Dumping tens of thousands of movies in a playlist to share is irresponsible to others. No one can be helped by that! It can only mean that you're not genuine with your "selection." In fact, you'd probably die before you actually even finish looking through that long list!!


Some popular sitcoms from the 80's.


IN MY OPINION… this list has a lot of movies from producers and writers who really hate black people AND… wish to continue to flooding America with negative imagery. I hope to learn which ones are what an what ones are which. Are black people really impossible to photograph with the same quality of lighting as white people? Is our skin not beautiful? I am simply looking at the dramatically uneven racial representation of the artwork & titles. I can clearly see why black people are discriminated against by the advertising campaign apparent from the artwork. What will make these movies even worse if they are really good.

“Malcom X” has bloody X across his face, “Mandella…” has his back turned to the camera, “42 The Jacky Robinson Story ”… can’t see his face either and those films are supposed to bring pride to Black America? Apparently, the better the film the more degrading the cover photo.

Yeah, I plan to watch some of these films to get a better feel on the subliminal war against black people by the movie and television industry. I guess it doesn’t matter how black actors represent their race as long as they make a dollar from it. The only positive things I see from just looking at the artwork is that hardly any of the actors are flashing weapons. How can the American Motion Picture Industry sell a black interest motion picture when the actors are not displaying weapons on the cover? I plan to find out.


old tv shows from way back, soap opera,


Best Black Entertainment
