Personal Lists featuring...

Fate/Extra Last Encore 2018


A list for all those animes, and for anime I mean «cartoon japanese» (make or aesthetics), TV Shows I watched. This list only have animes with only 24 (or less) episodes in total (regardless of the number of seasons). You can see my other list with full TV Shows, Movies or OVAs at

Recommendations are welcome, but please take a look before to see what I may like.


A list for all those anime, and for anime I mean «cartoon japanese» (make or aesthetics), Movies or OVAs I watched. You can see my other list with full TV Shows, Movies or OVAs at

Recommendations are welcome, but please take a look before to see what I may like.


SHAFT are one of my favourite anime studios. Their shows tend to have an interesting art style that is quite different from the majority of anime, as well as quirky dialogue and interesting characters.

Whilst not all of their shows are amazingly good, a lot are, and even the below-average ones can be worth a watch for some interesting ideas within.


Here comes winter season with a bunch of new anime series to watch.
This list is what i'll try (and fail ..) to watch this season.

