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FBI: Season 4

4x02 Hacktivist

Leniency? Seriously Maggie! What utter nonsense. Aside from the irritating protagonist (and the young lad delaying Scola and Wallace) it wasn’t a bad episode.

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What a stupid plot and bad guy.

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Screw that, she should be charged with a hell of a lot more. Like as a terrorist, she held 6 hospitals hostage, and all the patients in them. She's a hypocrite, she wanted the person who killed her friends, yet she didn't care how many people she would kill as a result of her actions. Plus murder, and how many counts of people suffering.

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Oh good, it's the Ransomware episode every US show seems to do...

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I really don't like Rina or her relationship with Jubal or how she is with Isabel.

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