Also I love how victor fails to mention that Daniel is still alive:sob:

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Nick acted so out of character this whole episode tho it was weird.

Also where tf did Jake go all of the sudden??

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I love victor and Madison’s friendship so much:sob:

Also hehe this is the episode and same time when Rick wakes up

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I do not understand this story development at all. Just a few episodes back Alicia was jumping into the water from some cliff. It seemed like a giant big lake. A few weeks later and the lake is gone all of a sudden? Understand that the lake was drying out however it cannot happen this fast. And who cut Jeremiah's head lol? And the Otto brothers were just standing by as they neatly packed daddy's mug in a backpack to trade to Walker? This story is really fucked up. What I enjoy is the Mad Max like scenario and images ... the world deteriorated really fast...

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Wow, One stupid decision follows the next AGAIN. I honestly don’t get how the majority of decision makers is still alive?!

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I actually really enjoyed this episode. Madison made some not terrible choices, Nick acted out of character for the majority but at least came around to his normal self by the end. What were Taqa and Madison trading, though? And where the hell did Jake go? Am I missing something, and he went somewhere? Shouldn't he have been involved in all this water fiasco nonsense on the ranch?

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why can’t anyone be on this do anything they’re told? lol. Madison tells Alicia DO NOT tell ANYONE that there’s only six weeks of water left. what does Alicia do? tells literally the whole ranch.
don’t even get me started on Nick lol. all of the sudden now he’s cool leading the militia and fighting Walkers crew? wtf

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