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Fired on Mars 2023

This show is so good. It's been a long time since I've watched adult animation this good. It isn't your typical comedy adult sitcom, I think we don't need any more of that. I would say it's more of a drama with a ridiculous setting, not so far from reality unfortunately.

The characters are fleshed out very well and although the protagonist Jeff seems to be just hopping around wherever the wind blows him to, I think the blank page he is, is just to help us bring the audience to this new world and we'll see him grow more into his own person in season 2.

The themes this show explores hit close to home I would say to most of us, and I think the message is you always have a choice. You can always escape the cage you feel you are trapped in. It just takes courage to do so sometimes.

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Extremely misunderstood show. Paced perfectly. World building is fantastic. Characters are great. Voice acting is great. The tone is not what American animation fans usually watch so maybe that’s it. Reminds me of early 90s indie stuff. Sure to be cancelled but praised 10yrs from now as a cult classic.

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This show isn't very funny but I don't think it is meant to be funny. It is, however, fun to watch.

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No high hopes since WB/Discovery but oh well, so far it seems interesting. They better make these 8 episodes count for something.

Ep.1 is very bleak to set the tone right but ep.2 is already much funnier because they really go to town on modern corporations and the passive-aggressive way that they can treat employees. I hope these characters continue being fleshed out, though I don't know if it's the best approach to make Jeff such a pushover.

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Mediocre story and the tone is all over the place. It's not funny enough to be a comedy and not serious enough to be dramatic. The best part is the score.

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It's not good for my mental health to watch this. It's very sad and a reason to become depressed or want to kill everyone in the workplace.

I only finished watching the first episode HOPING something positive would happen by the end, but it had the nerve to end with a cliffhanger!

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This show tries to kill you by boredom or depression. It’s a waste of my time and clearly of money for the producers.
2 episodes and i still don’t get why i didn’t stop after the first one.
Weak character, weak storyline, flat narrative. Avoid at any cost!!

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Made it through one episode and started a second but it’s just boring and dumb.

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what in the fuck is this?

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Based on the 6 minute short film of the same name
(Available to watch on Kanopy in the Stash Short Film Festival series).

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Slow start, but totally worth the agonizing build up!

Way off from what we're used to from most successful American animated sitcoms. This one taps into totally other emotions, is paced sometimes excruciatingly slow, fleshes out characters in a beautiful way and leans more towards a sci-fi comedrama than a regular comedy show we've seen too many of already.

give it a try, wrestle through the first three episodes and you might actually be pleasantly surprised.

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