Personal Lists featuring...

Floribama Shore 2017


My currently followed tv series


This list includes people who descend from Andorra, Corsica, France, Italy, Moldova, Monaco, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Sardinia, Spain, and Vatican City, unless stated otherwise (ex. Irish but born in France). Maybe Gibraltar and Malta too but not sure, lol, Europe ethnicities are complicated, let me know if I've made any mistakes since I'm an ignorant American. French-American pride! This list will not include any European-owned overseas territories, such as French Polynesia (...France), and WILL include L/R diaspora such as French-Canadians/Quebecois, Italian Argentines, etc. Regular "mestizo" Latin-Americans have their own list.


Does not include every single series with romance, relationships must be a BIG part of the plot. How I Met Your Mother is about how the main character met his childrens' mother and his dating life, but series about high school life (and hormones!!!) would not be included by default. Don't expect very many Hallmark Channel-esque entries here because I've deluded myself into thinking that I don't have low standards. WIP.


Excludes smoking/alcohol unless it's chain-smoking or alcoholism/getting black-out drunk frequently. Marijuana may or may not be included even though I'm 420-friendly. I'm always open to recommendations! See for ways to contact me if you don't have a Trakt.TV account.


these are shows that I love / shows I watch on a daily basis.


Excludes sex workers, who have their own list. WIP.


Jaimies list of things to watch and favourites
