I've definitely got more interest in the show from this episode. Nice bait and switch at the end there. Everything pointed to Tracy struggling with that exercise and it ended up being one of the vets. These things happen! Hopefully she sees the conversation with Deke as inspiration to push rather than quit.

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Wait this is a alternate history genre show but the face of all American female has to be young, White, blue eyed blonde. How fucked up are the writers? So much for the #metoo movement of this show. And also if this is alternate history, why re-enforce smoking. Very disappointed by Apple and this fucktard creators of this show.

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And suddenly this show is about girls getting it done, huh? That’s one way to screw up an interesting premise.

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The show's first great episode.

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They really missed a golden opportunity by not naming this episode “Nixon’s Vixens”. :laughing:

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I thought this episode was pretty cheesy but the ending was pretty good so I'm interested in how it's going forward

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Great episode! Made even better by the salty baby d*cks in the comments because there were some women on the screen!

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First 2 episodes were a bit lame imo. Now with recruiting the women it became a nice turn. Tracy, being only the astronauts wife, could unleash some more power to stay in the training. Glad she didn’t quit. The explosion at the end could be some serious trouble for the program though.

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Scientist: "We can electrically separate H2O into Hydrogen and Oxygen and liquefy it to produce..."
Management: "English!"

WTF? They're at NASA, and this NASA employee doesn't know what Hydrogen and Oxygen are? He was speaking English. Stop the hand-holding, please.

I liked the part where it showed all the young girls who have been inspired by women in science and technology. I'll keep watching, but this is turning into a teenage drama.

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Wow I'm really enjoying this show. Extremely well made and interesting story lines.

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The change has come in handy and now it's more interesting

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The real shame is that the Equal Rights Amendment, proposed by Congress in 1972, has still not been ratified by the necessary 3/4 of states. Perhaps next year Virginia will become the 38th and final required to add this most important amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

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Is that one rock formation from the Universal lot used on every SciFi & Space movie and Tv ? The one from Kirk vs the Gorn…..LOL

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Really enjoying this show! Will continue to watch.

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