Shout by Tiger Warwick
BlockedParent2023-05-15T03:54:16Z— updated 2024-03-20T16:06:07Z

Dude what just happened huh?

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Oh boy, I think Stevens might just tell Baldwin he slept with his ex wife. He looked pissed they never made it to Mars first because Ed 'chickened out'

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Man in every space travel movie or show theres always a risk of a psycho onboard. They always say the odds of running into one is so high but somehow they end up on a ship with like 10 people. Insert “Danny”

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Danny going to do something stupid and get someone killed isn’t he?

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Continues to be a good show held back by eye roll-inducing romantic subplots. Final scene also felt rushed, silly, and tonally inconsistent. I’m committed at this point, but when my wife joins for a few minutes at a time she’s laughing and I can’t blame her.

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Shout by Jecht Sin

Nope, I am not satisfied at all. I could see from 100 millions km from Mars that the Russians would have tried to cheat at the end. To achieve what I am not sure. The title of the first interplanetary bastard? It has been an American ship landing anyway. After saving the commie asses!

And then… seriously? Ed has been stopped by the weather? It would be realistic, sure. But what a cliché!!

The show is still good, though.

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"They're going together!". Last scene defines humankind

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and then they wonder how people sneak into the servers, with fools like this one who asks you for the administrator password and you tell them

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A funny end to an intense episode. I'm glad the dual force made it together in the end but mostly glad for NASA making it over Mr Cocky Helios.
I like that Molly's concern was Danielle was too 'by the book' vs Ed's 'in the moment' attitude but in the end it is what it is. Ed took a risk as ever but bailed when it looked too dangerous. Danielle took the leap only when the numbers looked right and they had a superiors craft for the job.
That full ship landing reminded me of the Tempest landing in Mass Effect: Andromeda.

Also super over this Danny storyline. Boy needs to be put in his place.

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I can't believe they did that to Ed again. The man deserved to be first. If anyone else had been with Ed I feel like he would have risked it. I'm also over this little psycho Danny.

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Damn, I was rooting on Ed to continue taking risk to be the first one on Mars

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This is the best show on TV right now. Spectacular episode that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Also quite a funny scene at the end.

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“I’ll kick you commy ass” :joy: the last two seconds made the episode

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I almost regret that it wasn't all settled with that game of musical chairs waiting out the storm but that final scene was worth it. :joy:

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[spoilers]Poor Ed.. The writers didn't make him the first on the moon and they still didn't make him the first on Mars. I still think he deserved to be first, especially having Danny with him. For Gordo.[/spoiler]

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Danielle Poole, highly skilled and revered Astronaut, getting into fisticuffs with a Cosmonaut before doing anything else at all on Mars is the most hilariously human thing this show has done so far. I adore the writers' ability to make things nail-bitingly tense and still able to suddenly veer into such humorous moments. Narrowly beats out Ed skidding the Apollo lander into an embankment and calling it close enough.

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The bigotry in some of these comments is shameful. Watching a show about science, while living in the dark ages just is beyond my scope of "tolerance"

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For me this is the worst episode of the entire series. The writing this season is all over the place. The drama and relationships are completely uninteresting to me as well.

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"They're going together! How inspiring." lmao

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That final scene LOL!

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Poor Ed :( But that was pretty close! So much intensity and a really funny end LOL

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