Lucky Asimov isn’t alive to witness this atrocity. The sound in space stuff is just annoying me, The Expanse did that much better (and many other things as well) with a fraction of the budget this show had.

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Where did they get that from? Why are you making her so important to the story? My god, nice way to sh*t on the books

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One question. Will the people of the future all be dumb? Even high-ranking warship officers? So far I don't know if there are a dozen people out there with average intelligence. Above it, I haven't noticed anyone.

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You praise science and math for 7 episodes and then baam, "I can feel the future" says the main character and it sounded very strange. LeNodos makes good point with gardener's background too.

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Up until now the series didn't compel me to comment on anything. Despite being based on something from Asimov who was so far ahead of his time it is pretty mediocre in my opinion. Something you can watch without worry but nothing to be excited about.
That being said to me the most interesting part by far is the idea of the genetic dynasty and all its implications. So it really rattled my disbelief when a gardener of the imperial palace has so much knowledge of illegal underworld stuff ... first of all: why would a gardener even be interested or worse connected to such high tech stuff? Secondly shouldn't someone who works in such an utterly controlled environment be thoroughly screened and definitely not selected to work there if there were such connections?
Sorry but that is really weak!

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I thought this episode was brilliant. Really enjoying this show. It seems there are some book fans that don't like that the show has made changes, but when is that ever not the case lol. Anyway, I haven't read the books, so I'm coming at this from a perspective that isn't influenced by any preconceived expectations, and I'm loving the crap out of this show, and this episode was my favorite.

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That puncture provided punctuation to her point.

[edit 3/2022: I get no Likes for alliteration -- haha]

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I am not exactly sure how to feel about this show. It's just doesn't quite have it. Seems disjointed at times, awkward moments, and some silly narrative choices.

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Great episode. A lot of different storylines are playing out next to each other but now seven episodes in, the time and location jumps do not bother me anymore.

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