• 63
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Fraggle Rock (UK)

All Episodes 1984 - 1990

  • Ended
  • #<Network:0x00007f08208b9618>
  • 1984-01-07T00:00:00Z
  • 25m
  • 1d 15h 35m (95 episodes)
  • United Kingdom
  • Children
In a lighthouse on a crag by the sea, home to the Captain and his dog Sprocket, lies the gateway to an amazing world full of fantasy and adventure! A hole in a wall leads from our world down into the wonderful realm of Fraggle Rock. This magical place is home to Fraggles, who fill their days with singing, dancing, swimming, playing games and working an exhausting 30 minutes a week! But as fun as their world is, there are still dangers to be wary of - Fraggle Rock has its fair share of monsters, and then there are the giant Gorgs, whose garden is home to the Fraggles' favorite food, radishes! Come and see what awaits you in Fraggle Rock!

96 episodes

Special 1 The Bells of Fraggle Rock

  • 1984-12-22T00:00:00Z25m

It's Christmas Eve at the lighthouse and snowing heavily. The Captain and Sprocket are worried that the weather is too bad for the mailboat to get through with their Christmas dinner.

Series Premiere


1x01 Beginnings

Series Premiere

1x01 Beginnings

  • 1984-01-07T00:00:00Z25m

In this first episode Gobo's uncle Matt Fraggle discovers the door from the subterranean Fraggle Rock to our world — and begins his travels.


1x02 Wembley and the Gorgs

1x02 Wembley and the Gorgs

  • 1984-01-14T00:00:00Z25m

The giant Gorgs, who claim to be rulers of the universe, capture Wembley Fraggle and put him in a jam jar. He begins to enjoy all the attention they pay their one and only subject. Can this really be slavery? The other Fraggles try to free him — but soon need rescuing themselves.

Gobo and Red stumble on an ancient treasure map and set out in search of untold riches. Their dangerous quest takes them into the castle of the giant Gorgs.


1x04 Let the Water Run

1x04 Let the Water Run

  • 1984-01-28T00:00:00Z25m

Red plans a one-Fraggle swim show, but just before the performance a drought hits Fraggle Rock and the swimming pool becomes a mud puddle. The Pipe Bangers are unable to work their usual magic. Red tries to solve the problem, and does, but only with help.

The Captain and Sprocket have lost the key part of the Fraggle Rock foghorn.

1x06 The Thirty-Minute Work Week

  • 1984-02-11T00:00:00Z25m

Wembley has to choose an occupation but he's not good at making decisions. Then just as he thinks he has made up his mind, he learns that Marjory the all-knowing Trash Heap always wanted to be a fireperson.

The Captain decides that Sprocket is too fat and, ignoring the dog's protest, puts him on a diet. Inside Fraggle Rock Mokey decides that the time has come for the Fraggles to stop eating the Doozers' beautiful constructions and enlists the persuasive powers of Convincing John — with unexpected results.


1x08 I Want to be You

1x08 I Want to be You

  • 1984-02-25T00:00:00Z25m

Red has invented a new somersault, but her friends are more interested in Mokey's ode to radishes. Red finally decides that the way to be popular is to be just like Mokey.


1x09 The Terrible Tunnel

1x09 The Terrible Tunnel

  • 1984-03-03T00:00:00Z25m

There is a legend about a terrible tunnel that swallows up Fraggles for ever. Wembley finds it and lives to tell the tale — but no one believes him. In the lighthouse, Sprocket finds a horseshoe. Will it be lucky?


1x10 Don't Cry Over Spilt Milk

1x10 Don't Cry Over Spilt Milk

  • 1984-03-10T00:00:00Z25m

Gobo is getting Uncle Matt's postcard from the lighthouse when the Captain decides to board up the hole under the sink. Is Gobo trapped in outer space forever?

1x11 Catch the Tail by the Tiger

  • 1984-03-17T00:00:00Z25m

Uncle Matt's weekly postcard hasn't arrived. Should Gobo go into Outer Space and look for him? In a rash moment he boasts to his friends that he will.


1x12 The Finger of Light

1x12 The Finger of Light

  • 1984-03-24T00:00:00Z25m

The World's Oldest Fraggle leads a group to The Finger of Light, which selects one Fraggle as ruler for the day. What to do for the betterment of all? That's a difficult question for any Fraggle!


1x13 We Love You Wembley

1x13 We Love You Wembley

  • 1984-03-30T23:00:00Z25m

Wembley meets a new friend called Lou, and Mokey is convinced it is love. They visit Trash Heap who gives Wembley a magic love potion — which has the strangest effect.


1x14 The Challenge

1x14 The Challenge

  • 1984-04-06T23:00:00Z25m

There are problems when the Captain learns that an escaped prisoner has been spotted nearby. Will Sprocket come to the rescue? Red Fraggle now wants to be leader but Gobo remembers his pledge to Uncle Matt.


1x15 I Don't Care

1x15 I Don't Care

  • 1984-04-13T23:00:00Z25m

Life's looking bleak for Boober when he loses the lucky bottle top and blanket that the Trash Heap had given him. But could they really make him brave like she said? Maybe the Fraggles like him best just the way he is.

Season Premiere


2x01 Capture the Moon

Season Premiere

2x01 Capture the Moon

  • 1985-02-27T00:00:00Z25m

Gobo, Mokey and Wembley Fraggle set out to capture the moon, that wonderful shining object that floats in the Fraggle Pool once a month. In Outer Space, Travelling Matt visits a tea-shop.


2x02 Marooned

2x02 Marooned

  • 1985-03-06T00:00:00Z25m

Boober and Red have never been the closest of friends - until they are trapped in a cave-in,


2x03 The Minstrels

2x03 The Minstrels

  • 1985-03-13T00:00:00Z25m

A band of travelling musicians comes to Fraggle Rock to present an ancient Fraggle tradition - the Medley. Red can't find her own music easily like the others - and in desperation steals the Musician's magic flute.


2x04 The Great Radish Famine

2x04 The Great Radish Famine

  • 1985-03-20T00:00:00Z25m

When all the radishes disappear suddenly from the Gorgs' garden, the civilisation of Fraggle Rock nearly comes to an end. So what do the Doozers do? They knit.


2x05 The Garden Plot

2x05 The Garden Plot

  • 1985-03-27T00:00:00Z25m

Junior Gorg decides to get back into his father's good books by tidying up the garden - starting with the destruction of Fraggle Rock In the lighthouse, the Captain is building a model, but Sprocket keeps knocking it down.


2x06 New Trash Heap in Town

2x06 New Trash Heap in Town

  • 1985-04-02T23:00:00Z25m

Mokey returns from a painting expedition to find that the rest of the Fraggles now consider her to be an oracle — the new Trash Heap.


2x07 Gobo's Discovery

2x07 Gobo's Discovery

  • 1985-04-09T23:00:00Z25m

Gobo gives up exploring, until an invisible monster moves into Fraggle Rock.


2x08 Mokey's Funeral

2x08 Mokey's Funeral

  • 1985-04-16T23:00:00Z25m

Mokey dreams up a clever plan to fool Junior Gorg. But her Fraggle pals are not sure it's so clever when they see Junior conducting a burial service for her.


2x09 The Beast of Bluerock

2x09 The Beast of Bluerock

  • 1985-04-23T23:00:00Z25m

Wembley Fraggle falls out with his best friend, Gobo but then follows him on an adventure into the lair of a mythical beast.


2x10 Wembley's Egg

2x10 Wembley's Egg

  • 1985-04-30T23:00:00Z25m

A giant egg from the Gorgs' garden lands in the middle of Fraggle Rock and Wembley decides to hatch it. But the 'tree creature' thinks Wembley is its mother - which creates problems for both of them.


2x11 Booberock

2x11 Booberock

  • 1985-05-07T23:00:00Z25m

It's washday at the lighthouse. The Captain decides the time has come to set some limits.


2x12 All Work and All Play

2x12 All Work and All Play

  • 1985-05-14T23:00:00Z25m

Cotterpin Doozer shocks everyone - she'd rather be a Fraggle!


2x13 Red's Sea Monster

2x13 Red's Sea Monster

  • 1985-05-28T23:00:00Z25m

Uncle Matt's latest postcard arrives from the place where silly creatures go to draw attention to themselves. Red is pretty good at that, so when she really does make an amazing discovery — a giant sea monster — none of her friends believes her.


2x14 Uncle Matt Comes Home

2x14 Uncle Matt Comes Home

  • 1985-06-04T23:00:00Z25m

The Captain and Sprocket set a trap for an escaped monkey just as Uncle Matt comes home from Outer Space to visit his nephew Gobo.


2x15 Boober's Dream

2x15 Boober's Dream

  • 1985-06-11T23:00:00Z25m

Boober has a strange dream about a Fraggle called Sidebottom who looks just like him but has fun all the time. In Outer Space Uncle Matt takes a ride on a ghost train.


2x16 Mokey and the Minstrels

2x16 Mokey and the Minstrels

  • 1985-06-18T23:00:00Z25m

The Captain inherits his Uncle Hamish's bagpipes and the music makes him homesick for the Highlands.

The Gorgs move The Trash Heap to a different part of the garden, and the Fraggles discover that their source of wisdom is not quite the same any more — at least, she doesn't sound the same.


2x18 Sir Hubris and the Gorgs

2x18 Sir Hubris and the Gorgs

  • 1985-07-02T23:00:00Z25m

The Fraggles learn about the legendary Sir Hubris.


2x19 A Friend in Need

2x19 A Friend in Need

  • 1985-07-09T23:00:00Z25m

Sprocket gets stuck in the hole leading to Fraggle Rock and Gobo is forced to conclude that this terrifying beast is scared and needs help.

2x20 The Wizard of Fraggle Rock

  • 1985-07-16T23:00:00Z25m

Wembley changes places with his lookalike, the traveling Wizard of Fraggle Rock, who says he wants peace and quiet. Wembley thinks his new disguise will be an easy way to get attention, but the Wizard has a sinister motive for wanting to swap identities.


2x21 The Doozer Contest

2x21 The Doozer Contest

  • 1985-07-23T23:00:00Z25m

Sprocket is jealous of the Captain's bees and the Captain decides to do some dog training.


2x22 Red's Club

2x22 Red's Club

  • 1985-07-30T23:00:00Z25m

Red decides to start a big club. But the only other member she can find is Cotterpin Doozer.

2x23 The Secret of Convincing John

  • 1985-08-06T23:00:00Z25m

After Wembley’s indecisive nature nearly gets Gobo seriously injured, he decides that Convincing John is the only Fraggle in the Rock to get him to be more decisive. But when Wembley changes his name to Wilfred and decides to take on everyone else's jobs, he becomes a bit of a problem, and it's up to Convincing John- the most indecisive Fraggle ever- to change him back to normal.

Season Premiere


3x01 Junior Sells the Farm

Season Premiere

3x01 Junior Sells the Farm

  • 1986-11-30T00:00:00Z25m

After successfully trapping Mokey Fraggle and Red Fraggle during their radish gathering, Junior Gorg is visited by Wander McMooch, an evil toad who plans to create a housing development on the Gorgs' land. When McMooch persuades Junior to sell the Gorgs' Castle in exchange for fake Peas of Power, the Gorgs are forced to leave their home. Now the Gorgs' only way to reclaim their castle lies in the unlikely help of Mokey and Red.


3x02 Fraggle Wars

3x02 Fraggle Wars

  • 1986-12-07T00:00:00Z25m

Mokey discovers another tribe of Fraggles who live in a far corner of Fraggle Rock.


3x03 The Day the Music Died

3x03 The Day the Music Died

  • 1986-12-14T00:00:00Z25m

Gobo tries to write a song commemorating his Uncle Travelling Matt — but suddenly the light disappears in Fraggle Rock


3x04 The Doomsday Soup

3x04 The Doomsday Soup

  • 1987-01-04T00:00:00Z25m

Boober invents a soup which can make Fraggles invisible... but it can also blow up Fraggle Rock.


3x05 A Cave of One's Own

3x05 A Cave of One's Own

  • 1987-01-11T00:00:00Z25m

Red and Mokey decide to share a cave, but during their cave-warming party they get into the worst fight of their lives.

3x06 Wembley and the Great Race

  • 1987-01-18T00:00:00Z25m

Wembley and Gobo's friendship is strained to breaking point.


3x07 Doozer is as Doozer Does

3x07 Doozer is as Doozer Does

  • 1987-01-25T00:00:00Z25m

Wrench Doozer wants to be part of the best Doozer squad around — even if it means flooping, an activity which is dangerous for Doozers.


3x08 Boober's Quiet Day

3x08 Boober's Quiet Day

  • 1987-02-01T00:00:00Z25m

Boober plans to have a nice quiet day by himself, but then he's visited by his silly dream alter-ego Sidebottom following various interruptions by the other Fraggles. At Sidebottom's urging, Boober lies to his friends in order to spend the day alone, but his lies build on each other -- and Boober is stuck impersonating the Old Gypsy Lady.

3x09 Invasion of the Toe-Ticklers

  • 1987-02-08T00:00:00Z25m

When the furry little toe-ticklers come to Fraggle Rock, Mokey decides to make them stay so the Fraggles can be tickled forever. But the Toe-Ticklers start to change and the Fraggles' laughter turns to panic.

Season Premiere


4x01 Born to Wander

Season Premiere

4x01 Born to Wander

  • 1988-01-10T00:00:00Z25m

The Captain has returned to his first love, the sea. His nephew PK arrives to take over the job of Lighthouse Keeper. Fraggle Rock is not what he imagined — nor is Sprocket the dog.


4x02 Boober and the Glob

4x02 Boober and the Glob

  • 1988-01-17T00:00:00Z25m

It's a joke day beneath Fraggle Rock. But in the Lighthouse, PK tells Sprocket it's about time he did his fair share of the chores.


4x03 A Brush with Jealousy

4x03 A Brush with Jealousy

  • 1988-01-24T00:00:00Z25m

P K searches frantically for Sprocket, who is lost.


4x04 Believe it or Not

4x04 Believe it or Not

  • 1988-01-31T00:00:00Z25m

To Sprocket's horror, PK is determined to seal up the Fraggle hole.


4x05 A Dark and Stormy Night

4x05 A Dark and Stormy Night

  • 1988-02-07T00:00:00Z25m

Two ghosts at Fraggle Rock — one in the Gorgs' Castle, another in Gloom Castle near the lighthouse.

PK and Sprocket are love sick. It's Valentine's Day beneath the lighthouse, and Red and Lanford are unwilling partners.

4x07 The Secret Society of Poohbahs

  • 1988-02-21T00:00:00Z25m

Mokey breaks the first rule of the Poohbahs and has to undergo a trial. PK drills his sea scouts for the admiral's visit - but Sprocket has swallowed PK's whistle.

4x08 The Battle of Leaking Roof

  • 1988-02-28T00:00:00Z25m

There's a hole in the roof of the Gorgs' Castle. At the lighthouse, PK has won the Butcher's Shop raffle.

PK warns Sprocket to behave himself when they go shopping in the village. In the Fraggle World, Red discovers that her radish bars are being stolen.

4x10 The Incredible Shrinking Mokey

  • 1988-03-13T00:00:00Z25m

Mokey and her friends put on a puppet show. In the Lighthouse, Sprocket reaches desperation point when PK agrees to look after everyone's indoor-plants.


4x11 Pebble Pox Blues

4x11 Pebble Pox Blues

  • 1988-03-20T00:00:00Z25m

Boober risks terrible danger to get to the Cave of Shadows.


4x12 Scared Silly

4x12 Scared Silly

  • 1988-03-27T00:00:00Z25m

Boober plays a practical joke on Wembley.

It's Easter at Fraggle Rock. PK has brought Sprocket rather special presents. Beneath the Lighthouse, Wembley discovers delicious Whoopie Water which endangers the rock.

Season Premiere


5x01 The Great Radish Caper

Season Premiere

5x01 The Great Radish Caper

  • 1988-09-03T23:00:00Z25m

Sprocket will do anything to avoid a bath. The Fraggles steal Junior Gorg's prize radish.

5x02 Home is where the Trash is

  • 1988-09-10T23:00:00Z25m

After an argument with Marjorie the Trash Heap, Philo and Gunge decide to go home. At the lighthouse PK organises a pop festival.


5x03 Sidebottom Blues

5x03 Sidebottom Blues

  • 1988-09-17T23:00:00Z25m

It's PK's birthday. But Sprocket eats most of the cake. In the Fraggle world, Sidebottom takes over as Dr Fun.

5x04 Gobo's School for Explorers

  • 1988-10-08T23:00:00Z25m

Gobo leads his friends to a very dangerous place. In the lighthouse PK panics when a boat heads towards the rocks.


5x05 The Grapes of Generosity

5x05 The Grapes of Generosity

  • 1988-10-15T23:00:00Z25m

Ma Wiggit cooks Sprocket a meat pie. Sprocket refuses to share it with PK. In the Fraggle world, Gobo learns the consequences of not sharing his grapes.


5x06 The Cavern of Lost Dreams

5x06 The Cavern of Lost Dreams

  • 1988-10-22T23:00:00Z25m

Cotterpin Doozer searches for the original Cave of the Doozers. Meanwhile, PK and Sprocket go sea fishing.


5x07 Bored Stiff

5x07 Bored Stiff

  • 1988-10-30T00:00:00Z25m

PK goes snorkelling and discovers danger on the rocks outside.


5x08 Playing 'til it Hurts

5x08 Playing 'til it Hurts

  • 1988-11-06T00:00:00Z25m

Red Fraggle plays rock hockey and injures herself. Sprocket is an unwilling passenger in PK's motorcycle sidecar.

5x09 Blanket of Snow, Blanket of Woe

  • 1988-11-13T00:00:00Z25m

Sprocket has oil on his paws. PK blames it on an off-shore oil tanker.

5x10 Gunge the Great and Glorious

  • 1988-11-20T00:00:00Z25m

The Doozers hail Gunge as their king. In the Lighthouse PK is broke. His only hope is to enter Sprocket in the Village Pet Show.

5x11 Wembley and the Mean Genie

  • 1988-12-18T00:00:00Z25m

PK and Sprocket rehearse their magicians' act for the village Christmas show. In the Fraggle World, Wembley lets a magic genie out of the bottle.

Season Premiere


6x01 Gone but not Forgotten

Season Premiere

6x01 Gone but not Forgotten

  • 1989-01-08T00:00:00Z25m

Fraggle Rock has a new lighthouse keeper. Sprocket is very apprehensive. In the Fraggle world, Wembley loses a friend.


6x02 Mokey Then and Now

6x02 Mokey Then and Now

  • 1989-01-15T00:00:00Z25m

The Fraggles go back in time, but in the Lighthouse is there a canine ghost... ?


6x03 Junior Faces the Music

6x03 Junior Faces the Music

  • 1989-01-22T00:00:00Z25m

Sprocket discovers that BJ may not be all he claims. Beneath the lighthouse, the Fraggles receive a rare visit from Cantus, the Magical Minstrel.


6x04 Beyond the Pond

6x04 Beyond the Pond

  • 1989-01-29T00:00:00Z25m

In the Fraggle world and in the lighthouse, everyone learns that a tree is something to love, cherish and admire.


6x05 Manny's Land of Carpets

6x05 Manny's Land of Carpets

  • 1989-02-05T00:00:00Z25m

BJ builds his own two-way radio - but it doesn't work in the way he intended.

6x06 The Trial of Cotterpin Doozer

  • 1989-02-12T00:00:00Z25m

BJ is accused of reckless driving. Beneath the Lighthouse, Cotterpin Doozer is put on trial for a very different crime.


6x07 The Voice Inside

6x07 The Voice Inside

  • 1989-02-19T00:00:00Z25m

Gobo plans a trip to Grey Rock Ridge. Wembley's instinct tells him not to go. BJ searches for Sprocket who has disappeared.


6x08 A Tune for Two

6x08 A Tune for Two

  • 1989-02-26T00:00:00Z25m

BJ enters an amateur talent night as Elvis Presley. Everyone practices for a duetathon.


6x09 Wembley's Flight

6x09 Wembley's Flight

  • 1989-03-05T00:00:00Z25m

Wembley is given the chance to fly. In the lighthouse BJ tries his hand at DIY satellite television.


6x10 Wonder Mountain

6x10 Wonder Mountain

  • 1989-03-12T00:00:00Z25m

Red is worried when Mokey decides to visit Wonder Mountain on her own.


6x11 Mirror, Mirror

6x11 Mirror, Mirror

  • 1989-03-19T00:00:00Z25m

A magic mirror tries to persuade Red to go to the Gorgs' Castle.


6x12 Boober Gorg

6x12 Boober Gorg

  • 1989-03-26T00:00:00Z25m

A radish lands on Boober's head and when he wakes up he thinks he's a Gorg. At the lighthouse, BJ reckons it's time Sprocket had some proper exercise.

Season Premiere


7x01 Sprocket's Big Adventure

Season Premiere

7x01 Sprocket's Big Adventure

  • 1990-06-05T23:00:00Z25m

While BJ is mending the plumbing, Sprocket goes to visit his friends down in Fraggle Rock.


7x02 Uncle Matt's Discovery

7x02 Uncle Matt's Discovery

  • 1990-06-12T23:00:00Z25m

BJ offers to restore Ma Wiggit's gnomes. Matt and Gobo visit the Lighthouse and other places in outer space.


7x03 Red's Blue Dragon

7x03 Red's Blue Dragon

  • 1990-06-19T23:00:00Z25m

BJ and Sprocket go to a local football match - BJ is the goalie. Red thinks a dragon is loose in Fraggle Rock.


7x04 Space Frog Follies

7x04 Space Frog Follies

  • 1990-06-26T23:00:00Z25m

BJ and Sprocket are upset by a fly.


7x05 Inspector Red

7x05 Inspector Red

  • 1990-07-03T23:00:00Z25m

BJ and Sprocket decide to get fit. Red plays detective.


7x06 Ring Around the Rock

7x06 Ring Around the Rock

  • 1990-07-10T23:00:00Z25m

BJ and Sprocket prepare for Hallowe'en, but discover a plumbing problem. Meanwhile, Junior loses the Gorg wedding ring.


7x07 The Perfect Blue Rollie

7x07 The Perfect Blue Rollie

  • 1990-07-17T23:00:00Z25m

BJ and Sprocket prepare for a visit from Birtwhistle senior.

7x08 The Riddle of Rhyming Rock

  • 1990-07-24T23:00:00Z25m

BJ accuses Sprocket of chewing a scarf.

7x09 The Gorg Who Would Be King

  • 1990-07-31T23:00:00Z25m

BJ and Sprocket are frightened by the storm. And when Junior Gorg eats a leaf from the nirvana tree he shrinks to Fraggle size.


7x10 The River of Life

7x10 The River of Life

  • 1990-08-07T23:00:00Z25m

BJ is worried that Sprocket may die from drinking poisoned water.


7x11 The Honk of Honks

7x11 The Honk of Honks

  • 1990-08-14T23:00:00Z25m

Gobo has to find the Honk of Honks before the Fraggles can sing the Song of Songs.


7x12 Change of Address

7x12 Change of Address

  • 1990-08-21T23:00:00Z25m

Gobo tries to stop BJ and Sprocket from leaving the lighthouse but he is too late.
