Personal Lists featuring...

Friends 1994



As of 3/3/2024

The following is a list of series from 1950-2023. Series within were in the top ten of both Trakt’s Popular & Trakt’s All Time Watched in each of their respective years. The exception to that sole guideline above was the years 1950-1955, where the top ten were cross reference as a group as opposed to individual years.


A nossa lista com As 10 melhores series da década gerou tantos comentários, que resolvemos estender o assunto nesse super podcast. Quais séries faltaram? Quais séries poderiam ser substituídas? Ou a lista é perfeita?


NBC might just be my favorite. Lots of my lists are dominated by HBO and FX shows, but I don't think any network has as many shows near the top as NBC does. Obviously, they have historic classics, like Cheers and Seinfeld and other programs that crushed the ratings back in the day. But to me, nothing compares to Thursday night comedies on NBC from around 2009 to 2013. That's as good as it gets, baby, and we have NBC to thank, against all odds. Love to go to Rockefeller Center!


Winners and nominess from: Oscars, Emmys, Golden Globes


series with characters or pairings that have queer coding and subtext but are not canon or confirmed lgbtq+

