Shouts about...


Season 4

Season 4 is getting really really good. And the actors are getting into their best performances. Especially Chandler, in earlier of this season, in his best physical form.

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i hate pheobe she's so stupid it pisses me off

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Best Season! From Chandler & Kathy to Chandler & Monica..Phoebe's Pregnancy...nd what not.

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Shout by Alex

Rachel is the worst character ever

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I personally think that this is the season where Friends peaked

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I liked the plot with Ross's British girlfriend, as it helps to compare the American and the British accents as well as some customs. In general, I like the show better with each episode, at the beginning I was a bit sceptical, but now I laugh a lot watching Friends. It seems I was missing out a lot by not watching it earlier.

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The series was kind of meh to me but in this season it begins to show all the humor that people say they fall in love for.

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Theme- 9/10
Rewatchibility- 5.5/10
Acting- 7.5/10
Kinematography- 9.5/10
Time- 7.5/10
Total - 39/5 = 7.8

The one where the good times roll. Prime Friends continuing in Season 4 although this has my least episode of the whole series in it. The cringe of Ross calling Emily, Rachel, at the altar has made wince every time I've seen it and I simply can't watch that episode which is fine. There is so much good stuff here, leaves you wanting more. Sidenote, I really enjoyed the character of Kathy wish she stayed on longer. Paget Brewster felt like she fit in with the group, ah well.

Top 3 Episodes:
1. The One with the Embryos
2. The One with the Jellyfish
3. The One with the Dirty Girl

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