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Fringe: Season 3

3x11 Reciprocity

I knew they couldn't
Top the last episode
as that was on a
different level, but
this was a nice
cat,mouse mole
episode with some nice
Surprises. I died with
Walter sniffing that,
absolutely hilarious.
Oh and how the camera
Zoomed in on the new
guy listening in,
Not Suss At All.

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These dumbasses who call themselves FBI, can't they just cross-reference all the names with list Astrid has. BUT NO! For the lulz they check only after they find out someone's dead -_-

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Back to the future :guitar:

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Shout by JasperKazai

Introduce a new character, give him a bunch of lines and interactions with the main characters, then have a plot about a potential mole. Definitely not suspicious!
Definitely wasn't a Voight-Kampff test, though. No sirree, we changed it enough for it to be different.

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