Shouts about...

Fringe: Season 3

3x16 Os

"Why yes, random man who started talking to me at a basketball game, I will accompany you and let you inject me with strange things!" C'mon now. Who would do that? Doesn't matter what they're promising. It's not like he had proof. I guess the writers assumed all handicapped people are desperate, which is terrible. But they have the son kind of contradict that notion, so it's just all over the place.

Anna Torv doing a Leonard Nimoy impression is ridiculous and dumb, but I'm here for it.

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Walter in this episode seemed even more insane than his usual self, he was hilarious from start to finish!

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OK, I really like Anna Torv, and her acting is good, but that "Bell" accent was too gimmicky. Sounds like how i'd sound doing a funny imitation for a friend, but not how a convincing actress should sound.

Poor Olivia, every time she trusts someone, the rug gets yanked out from under her, and now we're in the classic boyfriend has his humanity switch going in the wrong direction. Or like when Buffy dated Riley and he had a chip installed, which is not how I want to see Peter right now.

Peter is Olivia's Angel and Spike in one package, so I don't want to be thinking about Riley-Who-Went-to-Vamp-Dens-to-get-Drained.
Speaking of, the "feels" between Olivia and Peter-- it's hit or miss; too often miss.

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AHA! Look who's here 'DUDE' xD

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