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Season 2

I agree with the others.

Season 1 gave us so much interest in the questions, that should have been answered in Season 2; instead we're just getting more and more ambiguity with not a single resolution to any of the previous mysteries.

4 more episodes, hopefully they are all pumped with action to redeem itself, otherwise I an dropping this series.

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Did the writers of Lost write this? It for sure has the same annoyances. Questions are only answered with more questions. Nothing ever resolves. But the worst of it is NOBODY TELLS EACH OTHER ANYTHING THEY EXPERIENCE!!! It's insane! Everyone keeps everything a secret, great way to solve mysteries!

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It's unbelievable how showrunners threw this season to the trash. It's slow, really really slow, nothing happens. Seven espisodes so far and there are more questions than answers. This is not a horror show anymore. It's quiet boring to be honest.

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This is below season 1 just because they decided to go in loops on multiple different ideas. When Boyd killed one of them I truly believed this was gonna be great, but them it went to a list of “things that only worked once but are not working anymore” next to the antenna

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Such a promising beginning and such an unbearable drag by the second season finale... I'm definitely not going to keep watching.

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they're just talking about their feelings.... at first it was small talks (important for us, i guess) and now it becomes longer and longer without end. i think this show is mix of lost and the walking dead, and now they're really lost.
i don't understand restaurant also. I mean, it is such a nonsense...... they haven't food or economic infrastructure but there is a place with serving food and teas. lol.

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The acting in season 2 compared to season 1 is sooo much worse.. i hate whoever made this happen.

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Two or even four episodes less and this could've been a great season... this was too much of a slow burn for my taste and they failed to pick up the pace story-wise with too little progression throughout the ten episodes. Hopefully this changes in season 3.

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There's so much filler in this season and concludes as usual with more questions than answers.

This certainly feels like they're trying to redo Lost here and we all know how that ended up turning out. The writing has taken a considerable nosedive this season making it a slog to watch and that does not help.

I'll be curious if the viewership remains after this season.

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season 2 wasn't as good as season 1, but I still enjoyed it. I wish the community actually shared information with each other. would have made the story a lot more compelling.

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Shout by Terrence
BlockedParent2023-12-16T08:40:55Z— updated 2023-12-17T15:49:43Z

I had this on in the background. Never really seems to take off. I won’t come back for season 3 if there is one.

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I agree with everyone that Season 2 is slower. But they're using basically the exact formula used for Lost. I didn't even know it was made by some of the same team and yet I immediately knew it was from ppl who created Lost because it's literally exactly the same. Both Lost and From are meant to be slow-burn shows. The idea is that you're constantly thinking about what this might all be about. Once that's clear, there's no mystery and there's no show. So that's why it's so vague all the time. But being a Brit, I like quality over quantity in my TV shows, and I don't like the U.S. style of dragging things out, preferring a solid series to be structured, shot and completed before airing without the idea that they wanna milk it constantly into a boring 6 season show. I like the series though. The main cast is strong with fantastic chemistry (though exactly the format that Lost had). Outside of Severence S1 (which is superior), I think this is the only other show that really kept my interest since last year.

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