Shouts about...

Future Man 2017

I don't understand why this is not more popular. Only real commedy on except 99

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Ehrm. Strangely hilarious. I would say "this one grew on me". Binged basically right through the end. Enjoy :) (or don't, not for everyone that's for sure).

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I thought it was really great. The pilot is a bit of a mess, but after that it really finds what it wants to be. If you liked the "This is the End" movie, this is for you. Very funny and entertaining.

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I only gave this a shot as I've liked every Eliza Coupe show I've watched, and it's got me hooked. I can't believe I never recognised Haley Joel Osment (The "I See Dead People" Kid) as the unfriendly doctor.

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Once I started I couldn’t stop watching this show, some really good epic laughs that I didn’t see coming. It’s a comedy that doesn’t take it self serious but serious inside their universe. Hands down it’s a great watch with plenty of laughs.

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Dumb serie for dumb people.
PS. See Idiocracy and Oscar movie i in 25?? year scene.

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watching this for the first time 2 years after it finished and I'm astonished/disappointed Eliza Coupe didn't star in 100 action-comedies after this series. In a just universe Eliza Coupe is starring in better versions of Ryan Reynolds movies

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Ever since watching this show I can't stop wanting to pronounce Josh as Joosh

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A very silly sci-fi romp about very silly people. Don't expect real science fiction, more like a slacker sitcom.

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As a big fan of Seth Rogan, Josh Hutcherson, science fiction, and video games, this show had all the makings of one of my all time favorite shows. Unfortunately, that hard love ended after the first season. The second and third seasons were good in their own ways, but kinda steered away from what made me really like the first season. The first season kind of felt like a raunchier Chuck, which was pretty unexpected. I would recommend to check it out, but to only a particular type of fan. Not because it is bad, but because if you don't like the things in the first sentence, it will be easily to be deterred from this show pretty quickly.

Average Season Review: 8/10

Recommendation: At Least Give it a Whirl (For Raunchy Comedy & Sci-Fi Fans)

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Shout by makroni

Here's what I like about this show: it's so fucking dumb, and I love Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg.

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Really funny show. Season 1 was the best one, and season 3 was too short, but overall the show was great. I loved how meta it got at points. Worth a watch!

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Good old slapstick humour. Really enjoyed it and it must have been such good fun to shoot.

It’s just good fun, beyond ridiculous in a good way; it doesn’t take itself seriously. Almost a childish sense of humour.

Wasn’t a huge fan of season 2, but I’m glad I continued and watched the final season - 3

If you want to switch off from reality and have a good laugh, this is the show you need.

Sad to see it’s over.

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A really clever and light hearted tv series

I love time travels but they are always taken so seriously in all series but this one is always comedic and uses it as a way to be even funnier

it's funny when it wants to be funny but it can also be really articulate and clever when it wants to be that.

really loved this show and while it has only 3 seasons I think that it's a story well built with a great finale

it got the ending it deserved and didn't need to tell anything else

just a solid funny watch

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Binged watched all three seasons. Probably the best way to watch so some of the oddities make sense along the way. Funny at times, tries to hard at others. Some will love it, others will hate it. Definitely not for children, respect the MA rating.

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Greatest show on TV. Onto s3 and it’s as good as ever. Man I hope it has a long pun intended.

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Season 3 wasn't as good. Will be missed, loved this show

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loved the show, hated the ending.

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Shout by Adam

Season 3 is the last one. Would you be so kind and change status?

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In anticipation of season 3 doping on the third - I decided to watch the first and 2nd seasons.

So far. - I am unsure If I love it or hate it. - It's definitely "cringe worthy at points..." - I'm going to keep watching, and see how it goes...

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Shout by Deleted

I had at least 19 and a half pounds fun.

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Shout by TheChickenDuy
BlockedParent2019-03-17T16:38:45Z— updated 2020-05-18T23:04:31Z

This one just keeps getting better. It has very crude humor and is not for everyone.
Edit: Finished with Season 3 and the last season is epic. This show is hilarious.

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If you don't mind some crass comedy, this one is for you. Lots of pop culture references from decades past. Hilarious! 10/10

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Shout by Richard H. Jones

A roller-coaster ride through time that, at first, seems like it's going to be teenage drivel meets x-rated farce. Rescuing itself constantly, however, via a hilarious script, great characters, good acting (yes, it's meant to be hammed-up like that for many of the roles) and what has to be a great cast, crew and writing ensemble who took the passing onward and upward of the brilliant and infinitely loveable Glenne Headly to that great Thespian's stage in the sky in their stride and forged on, knowing she, as a theatre girl herself, would have told them, "The Show must go on!" And what a show it is turning out to be. Immensely enjoyable.

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Great binge worthy show, give it a shot!

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Season 1 was Hilarious :)
It was unexpected

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great show light and funny

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Rick and Morty met real life

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This was a great show! Very funny with great dialogues and many many pop culture references that will make you giggle. Way funnier than most comedies running for years now. A must see for all time travel fans

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Shout by nnnoremac

i don’t want herpes but kronish does

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Who's ready for a charge down?!?!!

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Shout by Deleted

Just a ton of fun. Great merge of comedy and science fiction, with a solid story and tons of wonderful actors. Give this a chance - if you like the style of shows like 'The Orville' and movies like 'Galaxy Quest', you'll likely enjoy the 4th wall breaking style of this series.

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This show is so great, the comedy is on point!

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The first few minutes was not that interesting cause it looks like another future robot gun thingy so I've been delaying watching this show but I give it a shot and its good. The joke is pretty dark and strange but it is kinda funny and hilarious

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Watched 5 episodes - can't believe I've watched that many hoping for it to get funny. Mildly amusing at best, this show is a dud.

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I love it, many references to popular culture that make you feel nostalgic, the story keeps you hooked to the series, although I do not think it's for everyone.

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I had issue with dialog volume getting to low at lot of scenes thought :(

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