Shout by Ro

Arya Stark: "A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell, and I'm going home."

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Arya's narrative arc was perfect and ended in the best possible way. I don't mind the cut in the final confrontation with that girl, quite the opposite: I think it was necessary to maintain the tension and for the moment when Jaqen realized that Arya finally became a "no one". And she rejected that title. She's iconic.

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It is good that Arya survived, but I do think it was terribly unrealistic for her to live and fight effectively taking into account the injuries she suffered. These types of wounds are usually fatal, and the fact that the actress was able to heal Arya was surprising enough, but I don't think Arya could fight and win when her stitches still not wholly healed. Unless she was using some magic it looks totally improbable, and we know that Arya does not have any magic skills. It seems to me that it would fit some other fantasy tales rather than GoT, ones filled with more magic whereas typical fantasy magic is rather rare in Westeros.

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Was looking forward to the fight... still strong ending but fade to black is not what I expecte! Love this part of the story

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Shout by Bendik

cya jealous, bitch-slapping cunt, you were worse than joffrey

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Arya going home! family reunion in plans.

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arya is stabbed to death. how can she run and jump like that??!!

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PLEASE let that be the end of the "A Girl is No One" storyline once and for all. snore Speaking of giant snores, Edmure Tully is the human equivalent of a wet fart.

That said, I'm so happy The Hound is back (for now).

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Good combat strategies. The heads flying the best. That parkour rocks

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this is freakin good! waaaaaaaah

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Shout by NajtreG

Was I the only one who was annoyed by D*ck Edmure Tully.... Let's let the Lannisters and Freys win so I can save myself ( blabla I want to save the wife I've only met once and the child I've never seen).... Let's destroy our entire family heritage and all the history of our family and betray my uncle just so I can save myself...

The plot with Sandor Clegane was nice imo, nice transition from him, a real evolution.

The plot of Arya I found a bit weird. The outcome I like ("Quote: A girl has a name, Arya Stark of Winterfell) but I'm glad it's over because the episodes in Braavos were becoming a bit dull imo.

Besides the satisfying head crushing my Franken Mountain the scenes in Kings Landing didn't really appeal to me...

Missing Ramsey and Bran Stark scenes.

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Jaqen looked pleased with Arya's
decision to head home. It seems to be that he wanted to help Arya remember who she was and what her real purpose actually is.

I think his plan was all along to help Arya rediscover her identity. He even sent her to watch the play in Braavos to get back in touch with her story, that also confirms this theory.

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GoT S06E08
General Plot: 7/10
Single Plots:
King's Landing (7/10)
Daenerys Targaryen (7/10)
Sandor Clegane (6/10)
Arya Stark (8/10)
Jaime Lannister (7/10)

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Shout by Marth

This season just sucks apart from two episodes so far. Killing characters off-screen left and right because f*** you. So much cheesiness (Arja, Dany) its literally making me cringe.

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A girl has a name. Arya from Winterfell!!
Finally Arya!
Khaleesi is back bitches!

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Worst episode ever, that's what I was feeling when I finished this one.

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Wow. I'm so disappointed with this episode. Whateverthefuck happened to Blackfish? Whateverthefuck happened to the Waif except for standing in the dark all of a sudden? May all the well written out theories surrounding Arya having an ingenious plan rest in peace.

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Shout by chair

No Drogon setting ships on fire or on-screen fight with Arya? Disappointed.

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D&D this episode: Hey viewers, you want to make theories? What about we just crush EVERY single one of them?

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Really enjoyable episode. The change in Clegane was really a big change, that facial expression he made right at the end was so compelling. Didnt realize the Sons were waiting to fight the Night King. "A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell and I'm going home" was the best line for sure. But did she pass or fail? She now an assassin or did she quit? Personally I felt the chase was long and took me out of the moment.

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Good episode overall but disappointed they didn't show Blackfish last fight and the fight between Arya and the Waif.

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This episode isn't amazing, but it sets up greatly for the next one. Loved seeing Brienne and Jamie interacting again--Nikolaj and Gwendoline have so much chemistry acting together it's delightful. And talk about a badass entrance (Daenerys) and a badass exit (Arya), huh? Bold female characters FTW.

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Shout by Paul J

Was a nice episode, Cersei asserting herself, Clegaine getting a grip on things and some sweet revenge and the lady Arya Stark is back, that was a happy ending, looking forward to the battle of the bastards next....

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Shout by Kimme Utsi

A girls name is Arya Startk and now she's going home....

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Shout by Tasa24

"A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell ...and I'm going Home"
I can't :D

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Shout by Deleted

I really liked this episode. Its isn't like hardhome, but a great build up with some fantastic scenes to the finale that will come and the great episode 9 we have waited fore. Some good twists and alot of action.

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Seems we are getting some good ol' "Ultra-Violence" in this one..


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@Op: The episode's confirmed name is "No One."

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