I'm usually not that picky but I don't really like the song at the beginning... :D It's pretty weird but maybe that's the charm of it - idk...

Anyway, the visuals during the intro where amazing (but probably because I thought I was watching the original "Ghost in the Shell" anime and the visuals where obviously way too good for that xD).
For this kind of low-budget show the visuals are unexpectedly nice, only the animations are a bit lacking (which is likely to be expected). I wonder if they're using a game engine to render this (maybe the Unreal Engine?). I certainly appreciate that they're using 3D models and "proper" shading (with a cartoon-like art style).

The story is ok but not that interesting so far and I was a bit scared when this started with a hot day in the dessert (that makes sense but visually I prefer the classical Cyberpunk scenes at night with neon lights in crowded cities).

I must admit that I fancy Major though :D

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The premise is directly taken from the Appleseed book. Not the best, but watchable. However, the graphics and animation are awful. ARISE looks beautiful compared with this cheap PS2 graphics fare. The music is also bombastic and muffles the japanese dialogue. Not worth the wait.

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