I have mixed feelings about this. I enjoyed some of the episodes while certain parts felt like they were unnecessary. But part of me does wish that instead of executing a mini series they did a reunion show like Friends or HP and we got to see the cast's reactions to being in the space and hearing them reminisce about the experience - and also about working with Edward Herrmann (since he had passed before it went live). Reading Lauren Graham's book, Talking as Fast as I Can, gave me her perspective but it would've been great to see everyone together and watch them re-live key moments their characters went through.

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I'm really positively surprised at how well this mini-series was executed and the incredible amount of people who actually came back to do it. It was nice to experience the Gilmore Girls atmosphere yet again after such a long time.
This is a faithful continuation of a show I loved to watch when it originally aired and I enjoyed this short ride just as much (yes, even though I am a man :P) despite some tiny issues.

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I'm not sure about how I feel right now.

There were some touching moments that made me cry, such as in the finale episode when Lorelai called Emily and shared with her the most beautiful memory of her father, or when Rory decided to write her book at her grandparents'.

Of course I cried even during the marriage.

But what Amy Palladino was thinking when she decided the last four words of the show? Is she serious? I need to know if Rory is pregnant with Logan! Furthermore Jess is already in love with Rory, so sad :(

I want to see Rory with someone, Jess, Logan...I don't care, but the show DO NOT have finish in this way. Please make another season, or this revival has be done for nothing :(

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Absolutely great and what I was hoping it would be. It completely sucks you right back in without missing a step.

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Shout by Deleted


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It was nice to see everyone again, but in the words of a little girl in one of those Jimmy Kimmel prank videos: "I'm not mad, I'm not mad. I'm not happy, but I still love you.

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