Lorelai Gilmore don’t be an immature child and project your insecurities on to other people challenge: go!

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Damn Christopher! Damn Sherry!! I was so happy, could practically feel the joy that Lorelai felt and especially after her and Emily's moment and then it gets snatched away :( I mean I am always rooting for Luke but all of the men in Lorelai's life are such good guys. Max, Christopher, Luke... all good even great options.
I'm glad Jess is back. I really prefer him over Dean nowadays. Dean is a decent, good guy who deserves a nice girl but Jess is more up Rory's level I think. He is way less needy. He is smart and yes rebellious but Rory could loosen up every now and again while Jess could benefit from Rory to make something more out of his life.
Now are we really NOT gonna see this wedding?!

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"Oy with the poodles already!"

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