no previous expectations, some jokes are cringe and the story is kinda predictive but, it has a good rhythm.

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someone really likes that lens flare effect

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This was a fine pilot. Ugly Betty for a new generation, I would say. But Glamorous didn't quite click with it fully. Marco was a solid enough lead. He's the archetypal young person making their way in the word, fucking up but determined to make their mark. Marco's a fun character, Miss Benny has pretty solid comedic timing that sells most of the cheesy quips. The serious emotional moments were a bit to saccharine for my taste but that didn't throw me off completely.

The plasticy aesthetics of this show however were a little off putting. Every shot has a thousand lens flares and the saturation extreme to a point of eye melting making the visual experience of watching this show less than fun.

I think I'll give it one more episode to see if I click more with Marco and the rest of the cast. The rivalry with Chad the business bro and the romantic arcs with Parker and Ben seemed like they could go somewhere interesting

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