Shouts about...

Glee: Season 5

5x06 Movin' Out

Sam and Rachel better not become a thing. How is she even getting ALL of the guys. Also not digging how they continue to make Sam look like he is just a good looking but very dumb guy. Feel like they already pulled that with Finn and Brittany when Sam started of as this sweet lovable big brother guy. He is smart, just book smart but that doesn't equal dumb.
I truly did love Sue and Becky's arc again. I always love seeing the softer side of Sue because she is so tough and brutal but at the same time has a huge heart with so much love to give. I feel like Sue is the only decent thing about the show right now. They should've ended it a season ago.

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I didnt like those Billy songs but the Becky scenes sold me

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this was a good episode because billy joel's lyrics are very good, because blaine and sam are more interesting characters than the usual protagonists rachel, kurt, tina, artie and schuester, and because there was a lot of becky and sue. seriously, sue sylvester is one of the best american show characters ever.

the way becky is written bothers me a little, it's too one note, but the actress is perfect. this love triangle with annoying marley and the two even more annoying boys is a pain, i don't wanna see anything related to these three actually. and this beginning of a romance between rachel and sam is interesting but seems a bit forced, let's see where it goes. and i want more santana!

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Shout by Aars

Since when is NYU a safety college?? Isn’t it super prestigious and has a lot of famous graduates????
I’m not liking Sam’s career development cause I feel like he’s always been a leader, hardworking and smart (you don’t need good grades to be a smart person), so they are doing him the exact thing they did to Finn of dumbing him down and making him feel like if he’s rejected from his first choice then there’s no future, and yes college isn’t for everyone and that’s okay but I hate it that in glee unless you are rachel berry you don’t get to be accepted and go to college.
Also what’s going on between Sam and rachel???? Hope that doesn’t become a thing!!!! There’s never been any chemistry between them and I feel like in the show’s timeline is kinda too soon for Sam -Finn’s friend- to be getting with Rachel.
Becky and Artie’s friendship is cute and I like the way he looks after her!
And I didn’t particularly clicked with these songs.

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