Shouts about...

Good Omens

Season 1

Great adaptation. Michael Sheen and David Tennant stole the show.

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Neil Gaiman’s “Good Omens” is clearly channeling Douglas Adams and Monty Python, and even though the results might not be as funny or visionary, it’s still a pretty solid show. It’s not the first time irreverent comedy is used to debunk religion and mankind’s warmongering tendencies, but it’s hardly as sharp and inventive as it is here.

The only problem might be the plot, which didn’t make much sense and felt a little underwhelming if considered the premise. The continuous digressions might have made the pacing a little off, but it’s probably the first time the digressions are actually more entertaining than the main thing. The chemistry between Michael Sheen and David Tennant is so good that you just want to watch them interact the whole time. I particularly liked the bits that retell moments in history and episodes from the Bible in the show’s own cheeky and sarcastic way. In the end, who really cared about the Antichrist and his “Stranger Things” friends?

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