I love Victor Zsasz's character. He's pretty much fun.

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Crazy how much I liked this episode because there was no annoying Bruce in it. Got pretty tired of Selena as well.

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Shout by Ward
BlockedParentSpoilers2018-08-25T23:10:11Z— updated 2019-07-12T16:39:44Z

We have a nice gold old fashioned episode of the week case which was nice, and good too. Plus it's over-archng so that's nice too. I like how instead of putting loads of characters bits in an episode, they separate them out, like there was no bruce stuff in this, so there was more to focus on other characters. Though there might be some chracters you miss. But this was a really good episode yet again. I really do like this series and love this show, even though i criticize a lot. Oh by the way a few episodes ago, when i was talking about mentors to bruce, i liked how in that episode of how gordon was mentoring bruce a bit on his detective skills. Oh and lee wasn't so bad in this episode, she was alright. Agin alots of good stuff this episode.

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"don't go stirring the [Cobble]pot"


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First decent episode of the season

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An entire episode without Bruce Wayne or any of the others in the brat pack. Did anyone notice?

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