Hate that the writers are making Arizona act like that... I get being attracted to Minnick, but to be so fake in front of Webber who has been like her best friend for the past couple of years was just so ridiculous. (she is not a teenager!)
Even though I don't like Jo, in this episode it was great seeing that the case hit her on a personal level without her playing the victim with everybody like she always does. And nice to have Hunt be the one to comfort her in the end instead of forcing a Karev moment.
Love that Meredith was still loyal to Richard, and that he went to talk to her to ask her to come back even though he appreciated the support. The best part was having her say that she wants to be better than her mother.

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Arizona, you suck now too.
Minnick needs to apologize, I think, for wanting to take over before I'll even think about liking her. She should just accept to share the job with Richard. I think it's absolutely ridiculous that she makes the attendings do the patient prep. They already did that job when they were the residents. Hierarchy exists for a reason (as Bailey pointed out to Meredith).
But, silver lining, the Jackson/April tension is proving to be really interesting.
I loved that we got to see Meredith. And I still miss Derek.

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geeez. why does Jo has to make everything about herself. It doesn't mean that she had history of abuse that she also had to interfere with her patient's life. It's so unprofessional..oh yeah, it's drama

What's wrong with Arizona? she's just attracted to Minnick and now.. she's such a sneaky snake

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Arizona is a plain out hypocrite. Her character sucks this season.

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If I woke up in hospital with my abusive dad's kidney in my body I'd want them to remove it and let me die, it's that simple, so in my opinion Jo was right telling them in was an anonymous donor, and she was right telling the abuser that the best thing he can do is stay away.

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cannot believe what's going on between Arizona and Minnick!! I cannot help but dislike Minnick, I don't think she is good for Arizona at all! Hopefully she is not going to stay at the hospital for much longer, I find this storyline a little annoing ...

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I like this version of Jo. I finally am understanding whats going on with her life.
Minnick... I don't wanna hate her but she came so hard working against with Dr.Webber that is hart for me to forget that.
Arizona was the light part of the episode. I want her to be happy... its just a little hard for me after all this years of being together with Callie. It's just hard.
Meredith & Bailey needs to fix this. Come on! You guys supposed to be a team.
April is not the bad guy! Jackson needs to see that. He's being an ass.

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Arizona and Minnick. WHY. Seriously.

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Such a great episode! Best one we've had in a long time. Lately, the episodes have been focusing on 2-3 characters too much and others don't even show up. But in this one there was a lot of progress for everyone and most of them were in the episode. Just like the old Grey's that I know and love.

Everyone in the Grey house is so cute being a family like that. And I'm so glad that people are accepting Minnick's program bc it's really the right thing. Also, Minnick is my new fave tbh.
I prefer a slow burn but I'm still so happy for the Eliza/Arizona kiss!
What happened with Meredith and Riggs? Where did they leave that, I totally forgot that storyline...
Owen really needs more screen time and his own storylines to actually get resolved.

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