Please stop with the gimmick episodes. Stick to Relationships, situations, unique surgeries. How many outrageous things are we supposed to endure for the same hospital/characters?

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I cannot begin to express how much I do not care about the new interns.

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OMG!! That last scene... I wasn't expecting that.
That was so intense. THIS whole episode was intense. FBI agents, hackers, a lot bitcoins, a lot of blood. Crap, that was too much.
Arizona you're such a good doctor and an amazing mom.
Dr. Webber is the best teacher on that hospital.
Dr. Bailey IS the boss. Don't mess with her or her hospital ans her people.
I need January 18th to come soon as it can.

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Shout by Evelyn

It's funny how we keep saying "stop with the new interns, THEY'RE NOT INTERESTING!!!!UGH!!!!", and somehow - few seasons later we're at the edge of our seats because of them (once upon a time April & Jackson and later Jo - who I'm super invested in).
And it's also realistic that some of they stay, some go (or die), you can't know beforehand who's gonna stick.
The ending, wow!
Can't wait to see what's next, I hope the little boy won't die :( And watching Alex hammering someone is my guilty pleasure.

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i was hoping not being able to use phones meant they would bring back the old school pagers! ☹

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I still can’t believe Mr. Schue is Jo’s abusive husband!

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Interesting new storyline, at first I was dissapointed that it wasn't another shooting or fire, you know the super dramatic horrific things that occur a lot on this show but halfway through this episode I loved this idea of a massive hack. It's a very realistic idea.
I can't wait to see what happens next, the last seconds left me gasping for air.

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Shout by Gui Azeredo


OMFG, that last scene tho

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Shout by Fábio Ribeiro

Damn! This episode! It was really good. I want January right away

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OH MY GOD THOSE LAST FEW SECONDS!!!!! I gasped so loud!

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