Shouts about...

Halo Legends 2009

This anime is in its setting a lot like that other masterpiece: The Animatrix. 7 stories, produced by 5 different animation companies and directors. If you have played the Halo games like i have than everything in this anime will be like taking a journey on a road through nostalgia and recognition. For me personally it has been at least 4 years since i last played a Halo game, but those were some good times....

The animation is top-quality, the stories are very good. We get to see some of the origins of the Spartan elite force and with some of them (but off course not the Master Chief himself) we get to see their faces! I am glad that i watched this.

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Shout by Ben

@dunpealhunter Have you seen "BlinkyTM" yet?

Have look at the comments below, thanks ;)

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