Amazing episode. This reboot is totally under-rated.

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Shout by Deleted

Estamos hablando del destino. No trasteas con él.

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Shout by chair

Okay. Most of this episode was delivering the same level of shit this season' been, but I kinda liked the twist. It restored a bit of my hope for this show. But knowing that the first season of Heroes was the strongest one and this is what we're getting from the first season of Heroes: Reborn, sure doesn't feel me with confidence. We'll see, I guess.

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Shout by Deleted

I disagree. By the time this episode ended, I wanted to watch the next one. Heroes Reborn is much better than its predecessor in many ways. The only thing missing from the series is Claire...

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I knew Malina reminds me of someone too much... I knew bc she's the only one I like. I know why now. It's super sad tho...

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