Not bad. Just curious why they hijack the plane….

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Nice ambiguity with Sam, think they might have killed off Abdullah too soon, I liked him and now the international Dubai side of things seem cut off with no viewpoint character

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Here we go again! Lover Boy Cop has an Android phone. Just putting that out there, so don't be surprised when the twist is that he's also in on this, or a bad guy in some capacity.

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The Dubai Guy died too early. I still love the plot very impressive

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With the wealth of information online, these guys took over a plane with no flight skills or knowledge whatsoever? Even the 9/11 hijackers could fly.... then you've got Hijacker's Best Friend Idris Elba collaborating with them every step of the way. He even threatens to let them kill the captain's girlfriend. Sure he may be trying to cozy up to them but geez... He ain't no Jack Bauer is he?

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I wish the product placement was of new phone prototypes or something that hasn’t been announced.

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I had no clue Eve Myles was involved in the show, but when she came onscreen I was invested. Love her in Torchwood!!

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worst show ive seen this season
first there is like no security at the airport at all. not 1 but 4 guns really?

and the pilots only think with their dicks apparently when they let the terrorist into the cockpit.

After the pilot reports a security literally does nothing and just watches on like its normal.

The pilot deescalate the security incident just like that.

Is this the first time jim field smith has directed a show?

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What I found most impressive about this episode is that the actress who played Kalinda in The Good Wife seems to have barely aged at all, since then. Still hot! :3

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This episode is brought to by Apple CarPlay. Apple Car Play, available in all 2023 Audi and Mazda models. See dealer for details.

Good first couple of episodes, hopefully there’s a hint of ‘why’ in the next one.

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It's not just bad, it's offensively bad. An air traffic controller saying "Are you sure that's not just the weather blowing it off course?". Really? REALLY??? Who wrote this c.r.a.p.?

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The product placement again. Fuck it's distracting and really, what's the point! Everyone can see in the beginning it's an Apple show. First one I've seen. Are they all this bad with product placements?

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