A solid set up for the first season (book). This series has been a long time coming for me and I've been so excited to see it done right. From everything in this episode they seem to have nailed it. Great casting choices and all looks hopeful for what's to come. Keen is 100% Lyra.

I have one reservation and that's the casting choice for Lee Scoresby. If they wanted to shoehorn Lin-Manuel Miranda into the show somehow there were plenty of other roles for him. He's far too young for that character imho and really doesn't seem to hit the accent either. Happy to stand corrected once his character does appear but not holding out hope.

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[Initial Impression] Spectacular cast. Wonderful performances. An intriguing premise and storytelling. Convincing special effects. I think this is going to be a marvellous series for those who love fantastic adventures. I give this series an optimistic 8 (great) maybe 9 (superb) out of 10. [Fantasy Adventure]

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Shout by Olly

I felt the premiere was a strong, confident start. I love that its world and character building is being done gradually but assuredly. Like the best shows I suspect it’ll need a couple of episodes to fully draw you in, but it’s in the quiet character moments that it’ll hook you.

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Great start. I am just not sure why they how Lyra was spying on the Master. When it was just Asriel talking. She didn’t get to hear the Master say any of his plans.
It is great though that we’ll finally get more of the story. Since I think it was actually Catholics who banned sequels from happening. Calling the movie Sac religious.

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I'm cautiously optimistic based on this first episode. It seems faithful to the book and I really like the cast.

I felt like maybe there was too much awkward exposition up front and yet I still feel like I would be pretty lost if I didn't already know the story.

Were there helicopters in the book? I don't remember that and it seemed out of place with the 1920s technology feel of the rest of the world. Also, it felt like only the main characters had daemons with none in the background.

But, there were also moments here where I was completely entranced by the story being told. I'm looking forward to the next episode.

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Intriguing. Not perfect, but i’ll keep watching.

(Saw a pre-screening)

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good pilot, a little slow, but essential to set the themes and tone of the whole series. I didn't read the books, we can certainly see that they've changed some characters, but for me it didn't come of as forced.

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I read half of the book before coming to watch the show instead because the book didn’t interest me too much. Seeing everything visualized is much more interesting to me idk I guess my imagination is cooked. This is a good introduction though that made some aspects more and less interesting to the book. Probably about the same level as the book so far.


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Whole lot of blah blah blah, not a whole lot of sense
Guessing you would have to read all the books related to this TV show to actually get what is going on

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It's been an eternity since I read the books so I can't comment on the adaptation. What I will say, is that visually, it's stunning (except for the animals, those could look quite more realistic).

The cast seems great so far, and honestly I'd watch pretty much anything James McAvoy is in. He's amazing. I also really liked the music, as weird as that may sound lol.

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Wasn't expecting much from this, not really sure why I decided to watch this. But it starts pretty well, let's hope this continues.

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A Harry Potter adjacent multiverse type show. My attention strayed a few times and I'm not sure what exactly the story is about, but it's curious enough, let's see where it goes.

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