awesome episode, almost everything worked great. Marisa Coulter was presented with a flaw that makes the story more interesting and believable when something goes wrong because of it. Although the acting from Lyra's actress was lacking in comparison with the first episode.

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Shout by Olly

The first episode was a really solid start, but this one has stepped things up to another level. It was amazing - really exciting and tense, and the world and characters are continuing to be fleshed out. Having recently re-read Northern Lights for the first time in twenty-odd years, I was reminded that the first book is the weakest of the three and the plot is rather too linear to make for interesting television, told almost solely from Lyra's perspective. I like the way in the show they have created different threads, so we now have the Gyptian's and Roger's stories running in parallel. I also like the way the series seems to be deviating from the book slightly to explore the Magisterium which should make the first series more dynamic. So far this show is proving to be everything I hoped an adaption of HDM could be. I can't wait for episode 3.

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Despite a couple of acting mishaps, this was definitely an improvement on the last episode. Very promising show.

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  • "We have to cross" into the Muggle world, apparently lol. Now with the portals, this reminds me a bit of the show Primeval

  • And this woman suddenly turns into Delores Umbridge

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Shout by LukieB

This episode was much better than the last and included many interesting reveals. The reveal of the Earth being an alternate dimension was not revealed this early…… wtf


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Slow, boring, goodish acting.. a tiny bit better than the pilot tho.

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The show is still visually stunning, though the ending with Lyra caught was quite predictable.

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The first episode was solid, but this one was phenomenal.

Ruth Wilson and Dafne Keen have such a good chemistry and they are so good at acting. And CGI animals looked absolutely amazing.

But my favorite part of the show so far is the soundtrack, it brings the show on a new level and completely immerses you into the world.

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Well, Dafne's acting slipped a little this episode. That scene where she learns about Asriel being her father, her voice tried to convey the emotional distress but her face was completely detached. She sounded shocked but looked completely indifferent

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Seems very good. Better than the movie. I'm in love with Pan :heart_eyes:

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Without any knowledge of the source material, so far Lyra is coming across as a spoiled little child and I’m finding it hard to root for her.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

Quite the deviation from the book in this episode. Not sure how I feel about that :/

Revealing our world so soon? Lyra being captured and not meeting up with the Gyptians? Hmmm

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