Personal Lists featuring...

History of Swear Words 2021


Movies and shows to watch when the cats away. For the middle aged man but maybe other demographics as well.


series, movies & stuff produced by Netflix / sorted by release date (from newest to oldest release)
(based on and various other sources, if needed)

last update: March/15/2021

note: some database-entries are missing on trakt, so that the list is imho as complete as it could be atm. if you find something i missed, feel free to leave a comment.


Lista a ver :eyes: en algún momento:hourglass_flowing_sand:.


TV shows are listed when shows are over/cancelled.


Shows & movies to be watched/watched via Netflix


All about them TV shows


Every TV show I've watched.


Tracker for TV series not started yet that I want to (re)Watch eventually...


tv shows i am currently watching


List includes all one season mini series, limited runs, cancelled shows, and shows awaiting a second season that I have seen since 2018.

Rating Scale:
10 - This show was an all time favorite season!
9 - Super enjoyable, you should check it out.
8 - High quality throughout the series from start to finish.
7 - Good show, but likely had some high and low points.
6 - Okay at best, definitely understand why it was cancelled or there is not more than one season.
5 - If they made more, I would not watch.
4 - Honestly, the show was quite garbage and it was a struggle to get through each episode.


Yeah, I'm going through them all


Series that I know for a fact that I watched every single episode of. There are others where I think I watched them all but from a time where I didn't quite track everything as religiously as now.


Watched, currently watching, and watchlist
