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Hospital: Season 6

6x05 Episode 5

  • 2020-12-07T00:00:00Z on BBC
  • 59m
  • United Kingdom
Barnet Hospital, the second largest hospital in the Royal Free Trust, was hit hard by the first wave of coronavirus. The vast majority of their capacity was taken up by Covid-positive patients during the peak of the first wave. Over the summer, the number and severity of Covid cases abated, but as coronavirus patients again begin to be transferred to intensive care, staff have to face the reality that the second wave might be as traumatic as the first. This time, the clinicians have more treatments in their arsenal to fight the virus. A plethora of experimental drugs are available for patients as part of nationwide trials. Intensive care patient Mr Tang, 72, a London bus driver for 17 years, is struggling to breathe. Professor Hasan Tahir is keen to give him a trial drug in the hope that it will improve his lung function. Another patient eligible for a cutting-edge trial is mother of two Greta. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in the middle of lockdown, and chemotherapy has weakened her immune system, leaving her vulnerable to the virus. The trials team need to help her recover from Covid-19 quickly in order that she can have a life-saving mastectomy. Greta is offered hope when she is randomly selected to receive 'convalescent plasma' – antibody-rich plasma that is harvested from the blood of those who have already battled the virus. It is unknown whether these treatments will have a positive impact, but the hope is that as the second wave of the pandemic engulfs the UK, the Trust is better equipped to fight back.