The camp is boring AF. Or cringe AF. Everything what @logikloch said about the contestants is probably true. I enjoyed the trial though. Simple and yet fun (Sonja and Jan enforce the rules way too strictly though). The only entertaining person is Leyla. Not interested in her T&A, her attitude or her shenanigans but I totally like her creative use of the German language and the strange things she says in general.

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Man, this season sadly has become a drag lately. Everything is just so dull. People have been blaming this on the presence of too many reality tv personalities, but this has been a trend on this show for many years now. Even last year, there were quite a few of them and it still managed to be a very entertaining and fun season. This year feels different. The drama is boring, mostly no interesting stories or characters. Quite disappointing for the 20 year anniversary season. They're gonna need a better cast next year...and hopefully they realized that they don't need any social media stars/influencers. The show has been perfectly fine without them, you don't need those people to draw a young crowd.

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