Not completely sold yet, but quite funny!

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Baby of the Year is one of the best sketches I've ever seen

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An awkward exit at a job interview. 6/10
A very specific legal problem. 5/10
Things get ugly at the "Baby of the Year" contest. 5/10
A gift receipt causes stress. 5/10

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I like the guys from Detroiters (and that show as well) but none of this really worked and I don't think Tim Robinson is good in skit comedy.

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I love comedy that pushes the boundaries. Sometimes it works, sometimes in doesn't. This show was only barely watchable in that it is so incredibly unwatchable. It feels like one of the SNL skits that starts off with a mediocre idea and then has nowhere to go with it.

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Slapping down some pig shit with these fat fucks, and im the fattest of them all. If I died tomorrow, no one would shed a tear. Load my fricking lard carcass into the mud. no coffin please, just wet, wet, mud.... bae

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