A list of documentary series based on info from docuwiki. There's bound to be some series that may not belong or may have matched incorrectly.


TV-shows released and aired between 1990 & 1999, or beyond.
*last update 30/04/2024
(all Japanese anime have been removed and transferred to dedicated collection)


Same as the other list, only this is for episodic television involving either White people or pro-White culture. Absolutely no anti-White people propaganda will be found in this list. The shows here feature overwhelmingly White casts and/or often feature pro-White messages.
A few of the shows you won't want to watch in their entirety, like The X-Files (stop at Season 6), The Simpsons (stop at Season 11), or Friendship is Magic (stop before Season 8). Do your own research to gauge how a show progresses.
