Shouts about...

iZombie 2015

Shout by Deleted

I was pleasantly surprised by this. The synopsis makes it sound boring but once you watch it, its pretty entertaining.

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It's based on an existing comic, so somehow I don't think that's how that went down.

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This show is extremely enjoyable! I will always respect and want to be friends with Ravi Chakrabarti :)

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great .... great.... i wish that cw continue ....

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at first I wasn't sure, but now it's one of my favorite shows -

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3 Thoughts After Completing ‘iZombie’:

  1. First and foremost, Rose McIver is a fantastic series lead. She deserves a ton of credit for embodying a new persona for pretty much every episode. Not all of ‘em are winners, but it’s always a delight to see what she comes up with next.

  2. Just when you think the zombie genre is tired, this series flips it on its head and gives you something completely fresh. And the cast delivers this new mythology with great chemistry and an awesome enthusiasm. These actors clearly had a blast on set. It shows.

  3. There are standout episodes throughout the series run, but I believe the show never fully reached its true potential. You get a peek at the possibilities in the final episodes, where the stakes are higher and there are more poignant moments. I wish the show took more risks earlier on — but it certainly had its moments!

Bonus Thought: It may not be a popular opinion, but I thought they did a terrific job wrapping the story up in the end.

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Starts off interesting with its perspective on zombies and Liv constantly shifting personalities to solve murder-mysteries. I was hooked given the odd blending of zombies and murder-mystery that also superadds new angles to both genres. Yet, in typical CW fashion, the writing devolves precipitously with ever-increasing repetitiousness. Plus, the concept was all it had to begin with, there is no characterization or meaning behind the cartoonish take on society and politics. I would recommend it as a harmless pastime (which is my chief use for television), but with the aforementioned caveat.

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Sad this show is over :sob: so good

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I really tried to like this show, but I gave up after 10 episodes. The storyline is boring and slow, the characters are dull and the acting...meh.

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iZombie is way cooler than any other DC-adaptation TVshows, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow etc. Looking forward to the third season.

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This show is great! So glad CW decided to renew this for S3!!

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You wouldn't expect much of the show because of the silly name, but it is a really good show. It isn't the same vibe of twd but it's really good.

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A not so fresh... yet fresh approach.

Zombies- definitely not fresh. Y'know, It's been a while since I discovered Zombies...and all I can do now is vomiting at the sight of a Zombie.

But, this show is kinda fresh, I enjoy the comedy here.

On my watchlist! Give it a try... you may have to force yourself in the first 5-10mins if you're not a fan of comedy/family drama, but it's worth it- at least I think it is.

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The idea of this show is maybe silly to a lot of people but the cast it has is definitely one of the most talented group of actors I've ever seen, can't believe this is the final season...

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Shout by Andreas Storvik Strauman
BlockedParent2018-03-23T07:15:44Z— updated 2021-05-12T05:32:49Z

It started out very unique and fun but started to feel quite mundane after a season. I'd give it a few episodes though.
(Stopped watching after S03).

Every episode is a little progress on main story with mission-like side stories.
It's quite "repetitive", but still somewhat interesting.

###Main storyline quality: 7/10
It's a fun, obscure and ridiculos plot, I have to say!
###Originality: 10/10
A modern zombie stealing brains from a morgue, reliving their experience. Quite original indeed.
###Progression: 4/10
I really wanted to see the main story unfold, and not spend so much time on the side quests.
###Side storylines (missions) quality: 4/10
This is hard to grade, cause you might really like this crime solving stuff. I'm not too big a fan though.
###Plot agility: 3/10:
The main plot stays the same, but it's not interesting enough for many seasons.
###Other scores
Intensity (cliffhangers, edge of seat and the like): 5/10
Acting and directing: 7/10 (Surprisingly good)
Characters: 6/10

Genre specific:
Crime: 3/10 - No way you can solve it while watching, so you depend on the crime to be interesting itself.
Drama: 6/10

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This was way better than expected! Really looking forward to the next episodes...

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I can just hear the guys in the boardroom at The CW..

"We need a zombie show!"
"OK How about this, this girl becomes a zombie, then to stay human she eats brains, but then gains the memories of the person she just ate the brain from, and uses those to solve crimes!"

Honestly tho, it sounds fucking stupid..

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one of my favorites ever

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iZombie is a good binge. A solid 7/10 for this happy distraction from reality, which is ironic considering the theme.

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So much better than 'Lucifer' (which I've just finished)
It's funnier, sexier, darker, has significantly less singing.and the zombies bare little semblance to the usual shuffling, brain dead and murderous automatons of TWD et al.
Series 1-4 are quite strong and while they do stray from the procedural "cop show" of the early episodes as time goes on, it's series 5 that disappointed me the most and probably should've been left on the the back of the fag packet it's was proposed on.

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iZombie is both a joy, and a sadness to me, and epitomises what has gone wrong with the TV production.

Sure, it started as a being loosely based on a comic, but it went beyond that and told a great story. The first series was a delight to watch - amusing, shallow but captivating scripts, some corny but entertaining acting, pretty much all you would expect from light entertainment derived from comics. It was great.

Five series later, I am living on hope. Hope that the one joke would grow into something bigger (sure, the siege was an attempt to do that, but it didn't really work for me) . Hope that the episodes would grow, hope that it would stop being so samey.

In the end, I think that the appeal of iZombie (a well executed lightly amusing predictable comedic horror), at the hands of unimaginable Production Execs has been stretched out way past it's useful life - hence my sadness. It reinforces that. at the end of the day (or session?), these programs are made for the money, not the enjoyment.

But hey, do yourself a favour and watch the first series. It's great!

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The first couple of seasons of the show were really good. The idea that Liz was hiding her zombies and helping dissolve crimes was a decent storyline. but I guess he can't keep up storylined like that for very long.
what is the storyline developed to the point where everybody knew that zombies existed and it wasn't a secret anymore The idea that Liz would eat brains to help solve crimes wasn't so mysterious anymore It was now more of a police tool.
it's probably good that they've decided to end the series after this current season, but I still will miss the show.

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I agree with u it's a stupid name but still one of my favorite shows.

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Such a fantastic season 3! Can't wait for season 4. This show is something special.

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as Blaine puts it in season 2 episode 10 "just when i though i was out they pull me back in"
had been 1 year and 6 months since i last saw episode 9 from season 2 LOL it was funny when he phrased that.. anyways back to watching...

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I am absolutely loving this show! It's an entertaining and not too far fetched twist of the zombie thing, it's got all one could wish for in a tv show - and above all; the characters are lovely! All of them, good or bad or a little of both.
Can't wait for the next season..!

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Shout by Deleted

You wouldn't expect much of the show because of the silly name, but it is a really good show. It isn't the same vibe of twd but it's really good.

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Gosh the name of this show makes it sound so much worse than it actually is

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What a hunk of junk. Sexy Zombies?? Screw you, who ever green lit this!

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A much better show than I was expecting. Probably because of the stupid name.

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Love this show! Can't wait till the next season starts.

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Shout by Deleted

started watching because of DC comics but this show outdid my expectations

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In general, it's pretty entertaining if you can deal with the fact that the zombies in here are the typical ones, there is no new and revolutionary points about them. If you think of this as a police procedural series for teens, you are good to go. Everything is just too light and sometimes funny to be taken as a serious series. Kinda reminds me of Castle, because of that. The main girl is pretty likable too, in my opinion, and I usually don't like female leads in series....

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One of the best shows that premiered this midseason! Thought it would be trashy before watching the first episode. Now after 6 episodes i dont regret giving it a try!

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