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Series Premiere

Jewish Mum of the Year: Season 1

1x01 Bar Mitzvah

  • 2012-10-08T23:00:00Z on Channel 4
  • 40m
  • United Kingdom
The Bar Mitzvah is one of the most important milestones in a Jewish boy's life, signifying his transition from boyhood to manhood. It is also an excuse for his mum to throw a great party. The mums are given the daunting task of organising the key aspects of a 13-year-old boy's Bar Mitzvah. Judges Tracy-Ann Oberman and Professor Dovid Katz expect a show stopping cake as well as canapes, goody bags, entertainment and cocktails for over 170 of the boy's family and friends. The mums split into pairs. One pair can't agree over the colour of balloons while another pair must admit to using packet cake mix to chef Heston Blumenthal. Another mum has her first ever taste of vodka while one pair of mums risk all on planning a cold soup as a canape. At the end of the episode the mums have a show down with the judges, with two of them facing elimination.