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Justified: Season 6

6x12 Collateral

Shout by JasperKazai

Patton Oswalt's character was always a little campy, so his inclusion this close to the end is a tiny bit out of place. But it was a good episode.

I guess they brought back that teen boyfriend of Loretta's just to kill him and show that Boon actually does have some skill, despite being a creep. Poor guy (the boyfriend). But Boon is still lame as hell.

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No need for Patton Oswsalt to still be in the show this close to the finale.

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preparing the series finale, it seems that not everyone will live

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Shout by Deleted

  • Tú no sabes lo que alberga mi corazón.
  • ¿Qué corazón? Tú no sabes lo que alberga tu propio corazón.
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شلون وصلنا لآخر سيزووون بهالسرعه :( !!!

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