[7.2/10] This was a fun reimagining of...I guess what are supposed to be scenes from Revenge of the Sith? It doesn't line up especially well with the actual movie, but that’s a miniscule complaint. The minifig approach to everything is amusing, and I can appreciate the silly humor at the center of this one like General Grievous as a T.V. antennae or a clone trooper using bug spray on one of the cruiser droids.

Some of the human characters veer into the uncanny valley, especially with the weird skin-line textures on them. But neat moments like Obi Wan using the force to disassemble and reassemble his ship to avoid a missile, or Chewey’s picture of Anakin and Obi Wan coming out as Kenobi vs. Vader make this a winning early effort at lego-izing Star Wars.

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