Shout by Andrew Bloom

[7.5/10] I don’t watch Letterkenny regularly, but every episode I catch at random is lots of fun. The running gag of whose second cousin has the bigger “hick house” is an entertaining dose of schoolyard tall tale escalation. The Bloody Mary (er...caesar?) competition is an amusing setup, especially with the judges loving each other’s company for some reason. The main guy helping his ex deal with a shark when buying a car was also an entertaining storyline, especially with the ex sealing the deal via the dealer’s francophobia. And there was even a touch of sentiment to it, with the main guy still treating his ex like someone at arm’s length, while his new girlfriend trusts him and thanks him for checking in. Plenty to like here, and a good advertisement for me to watch the rest of the show.

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Shout by Xzenor

nearly choked on the glory hole comment in the beginning but that's about it.. the rest of the episode was pretty generic..

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Wow that was some gold interaction at the dealership.

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