Shouts about...

Limitless 2015

This show basically only takes the base concept from the movie (drug makes you smart). All the themes from the movie (dangers of addiction, intelligence vs knowing things, ect) are basically gone to make way for what the show is.
This show is "What if J.D. from Scrubs was in a police procedural and was also The Mentalist half the time". Any worries about getting more of the drug is gone, they never really show the withdrawal he must go through each day, there are no long term damages from taking the drug. The show is really just another goofy genius fights crime show. Which is fine? It is still pretty good.

Not the movie, still fun-ish.

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Horrible show. I've watched 6 episodes and I found the show to be very shallow. It's just Brian under NZT solving cases and people being amazed because he can do everything.

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The movie was great, definitely gonna try the show out. I'm curious!

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Really disappointed that this show didn't get picked up for a second season

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Why do the good ones always get cancelled?

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This show is the perfect example - together with The 100 - of how a show can come from mediocre to really good just taking risks and experimenting. From Ep 1-8 more or less, the show is pretty flat and horrible, it is a generic cop drama with a little twist, it is the same as Blindspot, Lucifer (and don't get me wrong, I still like it) and any other crime-solving show with a hint of conspiracy in the main plot. From Ep 9 and so on, they start slowly changing their tactics and experimenting with the show, they purposely twist cliches to try surprising the viewer. While the show in its end is still far from a masterpiece or any real great tv series, it is still a way better series than when it started.

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A nearly perfect series let down by its final episode. It should have been renewed. They tried to wrap things up nicely for the audience.

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I've loved the movie , can the show be as good ? On the CBS network it should have very good audiences if the show want to stay alive.

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Cannot believe how the show only lasted for 1 season!!! it's great and should have gotten more seasons...

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amazing show, I am pretty impressed

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Crap shows are live while this amazing show is not, I hope it will be live soon

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The movie was totally awesome, definitely I will give this serie a shot

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Sad they canned it after 1 season. It wasn't that bad as you might think for a show canceled so fast.

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Come on! It's a TV Show people. Just take it for what it is. Personally I find Limitless quirky and fun. It's a shame it ended after only one season.

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This was a great show. I hate it didn't get picked up and may have done better on another network/cable station. However, season 1 wraps up in a way that a viewer could still watch and enjoy it as a standalone season.

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Not the best TVs show, I can see why people don't love it, but for some reason I do. It's nothing like the film or book really just based in the same universe if you will. The whodunnit aspect isn't gripping but the comedy and storyline each week make you want to see more as it progresses.

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I don't really like the show that much so far. I really feel the acting is just not realistic and the whole story just doesn't attract me. The stuff he pulls on his two "Ike's" was clever the first time but after that it wasn't really living up to the potential a human with insane mind power has. It's just repetitive and I feel this show was made for a more broader audience than a Suits or a Blood & Oil.

Just me 2 cents.

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Definitely don't have to be a fan of the movie to enjoy this show. Since the movie wasn't Bradley Cooper using the pill to solve cases. You just have to like special consultant shows to enjoy Limitless.

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I have watched this show 7 years ago for the first time, since then I always wanted to watch it again. I founded this serie so good back then. And now i have watched this serie again, and it’s still very good!! To bad there was never a season 2 of this.. if you liked the movie you will also like this!

Jake McDorman is amazing in this role!

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This was such an awesome special show. I liked the humour so much. Really a shame it got not at least two more seasons. There are so many horrendous bad shows out there which get season after season. Like fear the waking dead for example. This shit is unwatchable and seems not to end.

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I lasted till episode 5. That's when my patience ran out. Just boring, every episode is like a shitty short movie. I really dislike this.

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it is like the limitless movie, and i loved it, same with this serie.

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Okay, the movie was already nice but not great. I think it didn't have a potential for a tv show to begin with. I've watched the first 4 episodes and so far it's a bit boring, not that exciting. I would have expected the guy to be a criminal or seek power, not solve crimes. But I'm waiting to be surprised.

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I hope second season is coming #ShiftvW8

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Show is funny but too easy and quite boring...

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Reminds me a lot of Elementary with a bit more comedy.

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On of the best crime procedurals I've ever seen. The structure of procedurals can be limiting, but it can also be a playground for creative ideas. Once the premise, in this case NZT, is introduced the writers can have fun with it. And they do. Barely one episode is a simple whodunnit plot, all have a fresh idea that plays with the rules of NZT world. It has the meta-narrator style of Fight Club, the editing style of Scott Pilgrim and overall a very tense but at the same time uplifting mood. Jennifer Carpenter kept some of her Debora "fucking" Morgan vibes and put it to good use. I don't hope the writers run out of ideas after the first season. Maybe they will break the procedural structure after some seasons and a fanbase is established.

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This is not brilliant, trail-blazing television, but it is a fun, smart show. If you have seen the series Chuck, then you know formula they are using--guy who isn't living up to his full potential gets a force brain boost and becomes a top notch government agent. His handlers are a tough as nails female agent and a buy the book male partner.

Take the time to watch a few episodes; none of them have been bad yet. You really don't need to know about the movie it is based on or even like it. They still some very basic concepts and tie it back to enhance the draw and get the star power a fledgling show needs.

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This is a verry nice tv-show, its a must to see!

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This is a verry nice tv-show, its a must to see!

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Lovely pilot and great potential, Hope it fulfils it's promise

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This tv show has great potential let's see, nice PILOT btw, mixing the TV show with the movie was a great idea

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agree with "marr" movie was super cool, hope the show can live up.

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As someone who never saw the movie, I cant wait to see this show!

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