Shouts about...

Limitless: Season 1

1x01 Pilot

The spark of the protagonist and Jennifer Carpenter, I will see the second

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Shout by zebedee104

Surprisingly good opening episode. Well written and good to see Jake in our screens again in a leading role. Looking forward to the next one.

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Didn't really manage to catch my full attention... I'll have to wait a few more episodes to decide if it's worth keeping it in my list

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I've always liked movies and TV shows where the main character has a constant voice-over explaining what's happening to the audience. I'm a fan so far!

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I came into this premiere not expecting much...some of these shows don't get it right...but from start to finish it was great. I enjoyed every minute of it and looking forward to a long series.

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Shout by Deleted

I think it sucked and I will not be watching more episodes. He's supposed to be so damn smart, yet he needs to look up in his notebook. He looks like a dumb ass, as well.

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I liked, another cop show with charismatic actors and have this differential NZT.

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Shout by Nani Hernandez Santamaria

Sinceramente sobrepasó las expectativas, es emocionante y te deja con muchas ganas de saber que será lo siguiente que descubrirá.

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My favourite of all the new fall TV pilots so far that I've seen. Pretty fun, despite never having seen the movie.

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Shout by Deleted

wow the episode was really good! great actors way better than minority report and blindspot. love senator face xp

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Shout by brainhack507

Amazing!!! Can't wait for the next episode.

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this really blew me away! if this keeps going ill be a big fan!

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Like the movie, this first episode was awesome! Can't wait for the second episode.

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Wow! This really exceeded all my expectations. It's definitely an action packed thrill ride that I can't wait to experience again. Here's hoping the future episodes are just as enjoyable.

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