Personal Lists featuring...

Little House on the Prairie 1974


Ever-growing and ever-changing.


A curated collection of old TV shows that my dad likes.


TV-shows released and aired between 1970 & 1979, or beyond.
*last update 30/04/2024
(all Japanese anime have been removed and transferred to dedicated collection)


i had a weird childhood, man. i could sort this by when i was first shown a given series, but god, that'd take so much damn work. my memory's already strained and scattered.


Family movies and TV shows. Including Hidden Gems.


IMDb's Top TV Shows released between 1950 and 1979.

Minimum of 5,000 votes, minimum rating of 6.0, maximum 250 shows.

Last Updated: June 19, 2024


Serier som jag skall se eller håller på med som är inlagd i JustWatch (håller på med fler serier men dom är up todate)
Serier som inte rated har jag inte börjat med.
Series i have started that is in JustWatch, series with no rateing are not started, have More series but they are up to date
