It was very weird to be eating spaghetti while watching this episode. But wow, mindblown.

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This show is so good. Oh my god. Marvel has so many characters and stories that are so much better than just some flying superheroes beating the shit out of each other. I hope they focus on that in the future.

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If I had a nickel for every time an MCU character turned to spaghetti, I'd have three nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's just weird that it's happened three times.

As I guessed, it seems like Kang is the perfect character, because you can kill him at the end of every appearance and just keep bringing back new variants.

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I never thought that Marvel would dare to do a scene like that, where Rabona and Miss Minutes murder the former AVT agents in cold blood, woww... it was too strong a scene.

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That cliffhanger is killing me. Can't wait next week.

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That's it, final episode of Loki, final episode of anything in the MCU. This is the reboot point, everyone. All future shows and movies are canceled. Stay tuned for a new Iron Man movie starring someone without a checkered past. :P

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What in all the hells just happened?!
Everyone just… like… what?
I wanna see where… WHEN this picks up now, because I am one big question mark, followed by an exclamation mark.

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The writing of this season is so strong. Easily the best MCU show to-date

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That was rugpull-filled ride! And Miss Minutes continues to be so delightfully psychotic.

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The first episode of the season that feels like it's firing on all cylinders as everything escalates to a fantastic cliffhanger.

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Spoilers Ahead, sort of...?

Captures the sense of suspense & anticipation I experienced reading comics at thirteen years old... 1975, Sundays at 4:00 AM, sitting in the cold outside the Quickie Mart while I should've been folding newspapers.

As an adult I don't find a lot of space to feel much though, so it's an 8/10 but a bit hollow. I do appreciate...
the echoes of Sylvie and Loki's relationship,
Dox & Brad's heartbreaks & disappointments,
Judge Gamble & B-15's moment of mutual respect,
OB & Victor's fan-boy moment.

It's prolly me, dopamine's just not crystalizing tho -- it's a comic book 8, hehe

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but still no
Fcuking idea what the
Hell is going on.
I know stuff is happening
but to what end.
Lots of moving parts
but really getting nowhere
at this point I'm not even
sure actually what the

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A solid episode that advances the plot and finally makes you want to eagerly watch the next one.

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So, this wasn't a bad episode per se, definitely the best one in this season yet... but I honestly didn't care. There's so much drama about something that I couldn't care less about. This show continues to fail to emotionally involve me as I'm not interested in the TVA but in Loki. And a show that's called Loki should be about Loki and not the TVA and/or Sylvie.

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Very confusing episode! Got a bit lost this time.

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This homage to Jurassic Park

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I don't know about everybody else, but this is just painfully boring... the silliness literally gave me a headache.

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Exactly 1 season ago, we were introduced to the inimitable Loki variants. Oh how the mighty have fallen. As much as they tried to up the pace in this episode, the consequences are so abstract and irrelevant to the characters and the story, that it falls utterly short. Secret Invasion was the first MCU anything that I did not finish. Loki Season 2 might be the second.

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good effects, cute cinematography and a promising ending doesn't make up for the terrible script, weak performances and bad pacing.

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That was hilarious. Again, Loki thinks putting itself in the impossible spot and then solving it with whatever next chapter is good. It is not.

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None of this plot makes any sense lol, scenes just happen because they have to get to the end point not because there is a building from scene to scene. Loki saying, hope is important, razing things down is easy, building them is hard, feels like the core of his character motivation but also he really hasn't earned saying any of this!!!

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Dare I say… best episode of Loki yet? Definitely the best this season. Everything about it was PERFECT.

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i don't think season 2 is bad by any means, however i wish it focused more on, you know, loki, than this catastrophic scientific time mumbo jumbo. however, with how this episode ended we're probably... gonna get that now? hopefully?

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No idea what's going on, sue me for being dumb.

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Maybe leaving the machine capable of murdering multiple people at once in the room where the prisoners are kept was an incredibly stupid idea? Why would they do that?

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This season is a boring convoluted mess.

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Ms. Minutes had a wicked smile while the Dox and crew getting squished. She really seemed to love it and got all excited about it. It was a surprise to see that in Loki.

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Ummm, hello? don't do this to me please, give me the next two episodes right away :'(

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"Annihilating is easy.
Razing things to the ground is easy.
Trying to fix, what's broken, is hard.
Hope is hard."

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Are we supposed to know why there was 2 Lokis? Because I didn’t get that part

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I can't believe we only have 2 episodes left. Really wished they had'll be gone too quick imo.

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Why this show is boring

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