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Lost 2004

"Lost-A-Day" Marathon Iteration 14 begins.

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In my opinion LOST is the greatest television show of all time.

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Still my favorite tv show.

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Unique tv show!!!

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1-2-3 seasons are brilliant, the others are ugly

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AB Aeterno, 6x9. Best episode ever.

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The Best show ever!!!

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One of the greatest shows ever made. I've watched it all the way through a few times now and it gets better from the second time onwards as you pick up on really subtle things in the earlier episodes that have meaning / connections to the later episodes.

I'm not going to lie, I was disappointed in the ending when I first watched it. However, my disappointment was mainly due to the producers and writers promising (with the actual words from their mouths) answers to a number of the mythologies of the show and ultimately not delivering these answers by the time the finale arrived. If they'd just not said anything....yes my curiosity would still have gone unsated but I just probably wouldn't have felt a little cheated.

Regardless though, it really is a fantastic show and is an example of storytelling at it's best with a host of intriguing characters that were acted brilliantly by the cast. I've not watched any show since which has been the centre of so many great discussions and theories.

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the most important television show ever made

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With all the recent attempts over the last few years of networks trying to find the new Lost, I decided to revisit the pilot. I'm still amazed at how good this show looks compared to all those other shows. It really makes shows like Revolution look like a bad B-movie.

Lost will always be one of my favorite shows, a very strong 9/10. It just misses a Totally Ninja rating from me because IMO the writers caved to all the criticisms in the last couple of seasons. The explanations everyone wanted felt rushed, and it seemed like it was being done to placate those that couldn't deal with what I loved about the show, the mystery. In the end questions were answered with rushed or vague explanations, and some were even answered with answers that just raised five more questions. Criticisms aside the show was such an exiliharating ride that I don't think we will ever see again, the characters, the mythology, it truly was a one of a kind series.

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Shout by Deleted

Thanks to Netflix I was able to rewatch this serie after a long time. Definitely the best tv-programme ever made by far.

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Just rewatched this 10 years after the series ended and I have to say just one thing. If I had 3 wishes granted from a magic genie, the one would be to erase Lost from my memory so I could watch it again. It's that bloody awesome!

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One of the best show.

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Followed the show long ago when I didn't even know how to shave and loved each episode. Rewatched it 5 years after it has ended (in meanwhile also watched tons of other cool and not-so-cool stuff) and still loved it. LOST is the best thing ever happened to american television. I know there's no hope to see something like this again, but I do hope there will be a chance to erase memories related to LOST, so I could experience watching it for the first time again.

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Easily one of my favorite episodes.

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Shout by Deleted

One of my absolute favorit shows. I have tried multiple times to find a show with the same amount of mystery and suspence, but without success. There is no show like it. Brilliant storyline where every episodes give you almost more questions than answers.

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Shout by Deleted

this show will be a waste of your life after season 4. Its so bad yet so good. dont watch the ending....

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Shout by Deleted

We would not recommend this to anyone. Terrible ending that has no resolution or conclusion.

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This show is in my top Ten favorite shows of all time. Even tho the last season's weren't all that great and if you ask me the ending sucked. I still love it. Season 1 and 2 are the greatest!

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My favourite TV Shows!!! I Like IT!))

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I finished this series (120 Ep) in 7 days ! Now you decide :fire:

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Best show ever. The deaths could be so sad but if you are in the mood for comedy, then check out 'Tricia Tanaka Is Dead'. The episode 'Exposé' was dark and funny.

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Lost was the best tvshow I've ever seen. I doubt there will ever be another show that will touch me in a way lost did. I just finished watching all episodes, marathon style, I've never been so absorbed in a tv series.. I think it's the most important show I've ever seen.

What an amazing story, real shame it's over. I could easily watch lost everyday for years, the quality was there, they could've kept going for along time. I think some people didn't like it because they couldn't follow it. I was blown away by the story and how everything ended up and was enthralled the entire time I was experiencing what was happening up until the end.

I actually thought the seasons following the third one were the best, that's when all the really cool stuff started happening. I loved every single episode of every season though! That Smoke monster is just too cool, love the sound it makes. :)

I will miss this series and the characters, wish I could go to the island... Maybe I will someday. .

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This show is a masterpiece.

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Shout by Deleted

Awesome show. Rewatching it now!

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I watched the whole show in 1 month. All I can say is that I'm sad I did because everyday I miss the show more and more. Truly one of (maybe the most) amazing show there is.

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As someone who's been a major fan of many TV shows for years and years, and someone who only got into Lost a few months ago: Lost is the greatest thing to ever have been televised. Seriously. Nothing has ever been so immersive, atmospheric and ambitious as this show. It had me gripped from start to finish, and I was genuinely satisfied by the ending (it's incredibly misunderstood). There has never been a TV series as big as Lost, and there may never be again.

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Don't you just wish you could wipe this show from your memory everytime you want to re-watch it?

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I am a member of Trakt since August 25, 2011 & I never posted a single shout here - even though LOST is the holy grail to ME

Because there are no words to describe this incredible production (I refuse to call it show, it's way more then that)!
But I will try and write some reviews from time to time - only for the reason I may lead some of "YOU" to give it a shot & hopefully make the same experience as I & millions of others did.

Brace yourself's ;)

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not sure I've ever seen more mesmerizing character development, which is then intertwined into intriguing story and action. for the first 3 or 4 seasons, at least.

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Shout by Marinka
BlockedParent2021-04-07T09:22:59Z— updated 2021-05-27T13:13:55Z

I've watched it in full and absolutely loved it, so much so that now - after a couple of years - I'm re-watching it, finding new things I love and appreciating even more of its story and the characters.
Lost is my all time favorite show, nothing has ever topped it and I'm pretty sure nothing ever will. There is such a sense of mystery around it and yes, even by the end of it, you will still have unanswered questions which I personally love. There is always room to speculate on what truly happened or what was meant. The characters all have something to contribute, even the minor ones are in this story for a reason. You have to pay attention because there are a lot of details that you might miss and I know some argue that the ending was not good, I strongly disagree. For me the ending was perfectly in line with the overall story of the show.
So much more than just strangers stranded on an island after a plain crash, as you'll soon discover upon watching.

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best show ever. best finale ever. do not fight me on this.

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Nothing will ever compare to this show. You'll always be my constant, Lost.

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This show is amazing, it almost contains all the genres, from fantasy, action, science fiction, drama, love story, time travel, crying, adventure, ...etc.

You will love and cry a lot watching it, I enjoyed it very much, and I highly recommend it <3

Ending Explanation:
They are not dead all along, the island was real, all the events on the island are still real. The ending scene in the church is just an afterlife, and it has both dead and alive persons (they will die eventually normally, like Kate, Swayer).
You can think of it as if the explosion at the end of season 5 caused a parallel timeline happening in the afterlife in the future, and as a proof, in the parallel timeline, they can remember the island. However, on the island they can't remember their parallel timeline, except for Desmond, of course, he is special!
The afterlife timeline is novel and happens as if the plane crash never happened.

So, that was one hell of an ending, maybe the greatest ending of all time, with Inception ending XD Don't misunderstand it :)

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Even with a crappy ending it is still the best series ever made.

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what a complete waste of dam time

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Great show, I hate the ending but this is only one of the episodes of the series...

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Incredible production, acting, tone, music and storytelling. There are a few missteps, though maybe just one in the first 4 seasons, the final season and finale are thematically and emotionally powerful.

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The legend of the TV series....The king of mystery....Inevitably the best show ever!!!

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Extremely long and arduous task to take on but it's well worth it. One of the greatest shows of all time. If you are worried about the end being terrible, don't. It has possibly the greatest ending ever and as long as you watch the entire show, understand what is going on, and enjoy the show then you will absolutely love the finale. It drops a little bit in quality as it goes on but there are excellent parts in every season.
Season rankings: 2>1>3>6>4>5

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What an experience this was!

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Lost. A pretty accurate description of the writers after the first three seasons.. Season 1 was a great buildup, mysterious stuff happening all over. Season 2 gave some much needed answers, was awesome, and introduced some new mysteries. Season 3 tied up most loose ends, but introduced some unnecessary new questions. After that, well, they got really Lost.
It took them three more seasons to introduce uncountable plotholes, deus ex machinas all over the place, ruined all my favorite characters and still managed to not give any satisfactory answers.

Started out great, but the last time I was this disappointed by a tvshow was when Firefly was cancelled.

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A truly INCREDIBLE show. There's no other show like it or that'll even come close, they don't make them as amazing as this anymore. Every time I re-watch it, I'm constantly noticing new things and finding more things to absolutely love. Not only that, I wish I could wipe my memory and re-watch it from the beginning for the first time again. So many twists, turns, amazing characters, amazing music and incredible characters to adore. They truly knocked it out of the park with this show. Definitely an all time favourite and I highly recommend it to everyone any time someone asks for recommendations. It's also definitely a show I'll be displaying to future generations to come just to show them how epic tv once was. Truly one of the best shows ever televised & just such incredible writing that has you hooked from the second the first episode starts right until the very end. HIGHLY recommended watch.

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I hate Jack Shephard with every fiber of my being.

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Last of season 3 and season 4 are fantastic beyond that is when "lost" lost it touch, disappointing ending!

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It was great, until the last 2 episodes and I WAS horribly disappointed. I'd say top 2 of the worst series finale ever.

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Shout by MK

Lost in a nutshell: Whatever happened, happened.

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Terrible ending ruin the whole series

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A fascinating show with a low end.

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A controversial ending, but all the events that led to it were interesting. The characters were amazing and easy to relate to or hate LOL. For me, it's a TV classic!
Actually, the problem here is with the quantity that affects quality - many seasons, hard to manage the story. I am a"good girl" so I watched it with pleasure (because I love Matthew Fox, as well LOL) 'til the end and overall I am satisfied guys!

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This show was superb. The story was so compelling. I cared about nearly every character, even the "bad ones". The mystery of this island, and questions it raised, sucked me in. Which is why it's ending pissed me off so much. None of the questions mattered..The mysteries meant nothing. And origin of the black smoke monster angered me to no end. Everything these characters went through meant nothing in the end. AARRRGGGHHH!!!!!

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The finale could not live up to the reputation of the show.

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One of the best TV show which I've been seen in my life.

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By far, my favourite TV show.
If you are looking for a show that ~somehow~ makes you feel like LOST I'll suggest you to give Westworld a try.

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My guilty pleasure. It had already finished when I started the series, but it still caught my attention. Not many shows take on the plot that "Lost" did.

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Shout by Deleted

Best show ever made. And it contains the best moment in TV history imo. Must-watch!

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Shout by Deleted

Until the 5th season was the best of my life. The last episode was the worst and confuse I've ever seen.

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Good at the start. But the Ending (last season) is just to confusing.


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With such an amazing build-up of the suspense, the ending was a complete let-down. The sixth season failed to impress and I wish they had done a better job of it.

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First three seasons were terrific, last three seasons went downhill. The ending left a lot to be desired. I do wish I could forget the show completely and watch it again fresh however.

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Best show I’ve ever watched

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With it's concept and what I had heard people discuss about the show, I really hoped I would LOVE this show. Unfortunately, I didn't quite love it, but I did really enjoy it. It is VERY MUCH an ABC Drama show, and it is apparent in its form of storytelling via flashbacks and extended seasons for more character development. I think my opinion could have been much different if the storytelling tropes were different, but that is neither here nor there. My favorite season was the first, and it slowly tapered off from there to an average show. I have heard many people complain of the ending, but I actually quite enjoyed it. Anyways, I would recommend to at least give the show a chance because I know how some people have really grown to love the show and its characters.

Average Season Review: 8.17/10

Recommendation: At Least Give it a Whirl (For ABC Drama Fans)

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This show has it all. Watched it already 3 times... a 4th will come for sure!

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for me THE BEST show ever made. It simply has everything! A mix of genres no other show ever achived so far...
I even cried a bit at the last episode ;)

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Top series, plenty action 9/10

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what can I say? a show that leaves me more confused after it ended than when it started. lots of blank spaces do be explained. I pushed to see how it ended, but feel like it was a waste of time.

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I can't believe we used to enjoy this show, it aged so badly haha.

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Someone will die in the season4 or 5

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Deram o pontapé inicial para que público, interagisse no offline. E se aprofundasse na vida dos personagens e da série. Um marco pra séries seguintes...

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When any of my friends ask, what tv series should i watch, LOST is always a first choice answer. Some people are not satisfied with the ending and I am one of them. But sometimes journey is worth more than a destination. I loved it and watched it more than once. And when watching it for the second time you get even more involved and pay more attention to the details. Get new ideas and see new connections. Hands down to the writers who managed to write such a complex and intriguing storyline. I would recommend it every time!

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amazing show, a mixture of character based and story based, the Easter eggs, theorys and mysteries this series offers is out of this world, altough the last season was ok because it gave stupid answers to interesting mysteries and no answers as well the shown is still worth watching

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Shout by Deleted

Season 1-3 is the best season of any tv show ever

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Shout by Deleted

Season 1-3 is the best season of any tv show ever

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Shout by Deleted

Season 1-3 are the best season of any tv show ever

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Shout by Deleted

Best show ever made. And it contains the best moment in TV history imo. Must-watch!

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Shout by Sunny Senpai
BlockedParent2016-05-25T16:11:57Z— updated 2017-03-30T07:16:54Z

Really the best show I've ever seen, no other show will be as good as this one and probably never will

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Shout by Deleted

definitely the biggest and best tv show ever made.

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Shout by Deleted

I love this show even with bad ending

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Shout by Deleted

Very long, but very rewarding. My favorite live action TV show.

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Shout by Ben

Oh my - Happy Birthday ^_^

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Shout by Deleted

Muito bom !!!!

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Shout by Deleted


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Josh Holloway is just so damn hot!

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Shout by Deleted

The first show I ever became truly invested in, and remains one of the best ever made.

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#GreatestHits Goodbye Charlie :'(

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Best series ever. Thats until S06E17 of course... Would have been a straight 10 if it weren't for that ending.

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Shout by Deleted


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Love love love, I don't care what other people or critics say, but this is an amazing drama with great twists and plots! I have the American complete boxset - collectors edition with lots of goodies. Great actors and Matthew Fox the main lead is an amazing actor!

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Shout by Deleted

Le meilleurs scénario que j'ai vu franchement. Je regrette cette série.

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Nice series based on time travelling concept :)

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If you thought this show couldn't get any more surreal and eerie, think again.

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Shout by Deleted

Live together, die alone.

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Shout by Ben

9 years ago a phenomenon was born.
Happy Birthday LOST!

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Shout by Ben

"I’ve heard some murmurings of some kind of [10-year LOST] reunion. Whether it will take place at Comic-Con or not I’m not sure. No matter what happens, if anything happens, it will be really hard logistically to put it together."

~ Michael Emerson [meanwhile, check out]

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This is the show that raped my braind

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Shout by Deleted

I love this show, however a HUGE mistake many make when they stop watching is searching for answers, like concrete and logical answers on this show. You have to look this show in a more deeper way, a more "philosophical way". Most people say that the ending was really bad, I think it is just BRILLIANT.
There's more that meets the eye people, think. This show makes you think.

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Shout by Ben

I wish I could erase LOST from my memory - so I can relive it all over again!!!


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