A bit disappointed as it leaves quite a few unresolved threads and questions unanswered, like we won't have more backstory on the Robots and their builders and their extermination (especially as they had colonized several worlds) and what the Robots were doing after destroying their creators, was SAR the only one to "rebel" and enlist the other robots or was it a general thing, we didn't get to see the crew of the Fortuna defrosted, was it Scarecrow on the five years old Fortuna security feed, why the Robots (well at least one of them) waited until the Fortuna's 24th trip to attack it. I was expecting Judy to end up with Don, but nope they went a totally separate way for this last season which didn't feel quite right. That kind of stuff. Also: how the hell did the Jupiter 2 survive through these three seasons?
At least it got a proper ending with an appropriate budget to execute it nicely. And it leaves the door open to a possible spin-off.

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Thoroughly enjoyed season three. Took a while to adjust to Will being taller than everyone :rofl:
Hoping we get a spin-off, based on that ending.

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excellent series and these writers did a superb job !! they should be doing the writing on the discovery series because the writers doing it now suck.
thank you for an excellent scifi adventure! you all did a great job!!!

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If that's the end of the series then it's a fair finale and I've enjoyed the journey. Do I wish for it to continue with new adventures? of course! who doesn't? Will there be more seasons to come? Let the creators decide on that.

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It got a conclusion and I'm happy with that in the age of cancelled shows. However the "solutionising" in this series gets worse with each series, the analysis of a given situation and the implementation of how they get out of that situation comes all too quickly and neatly with little to no storytelling impact. Smith is yet again a spare wheel in this series they drag along with no real use other than to be some sort of chaotic element that the crew accept but then complain when they are screwed over.

The stars of the show here are the robots, they add a level of mystery that elevates the show but now that is depleted there is very little to go to from here.

An enjoyable enough show, and glad it has a conclusion.

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I am content with some questions unanswered. I would like to watch S4 but seems like it is unlikely.
this show is very underrated.

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What!!! Will had the sound to control the robots or disable them, then why the fuck did we just watch a massive battle scene between the humans & robots. This is so fucking stupid.

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Season 3 is much better than the first two. But, as a purist, I think the original show and particularly Jonathan Harris as Dr. Smith is still infinitely better. It is the show I grew up with; it is the show that gave me the desire to become a physicist. Perhaps this one will encourage young minds as well.

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Fantastic series finale. Not sure why I took so long to watch the last few episodes.

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Lost in Space was a show about wild and completely unbelievable scenarios but it always got one thing right and that was the characters, their relationships, and their growth. Looking for logic in a Lost in Space script would be foolish but the things I always enjoyed the most was how much time and care was spent on the characters and espcially the relationship between Will and Robot. When robot died I really felt it and it's death felt like it was going to be permanent so that was a good dodge. But, overall a great series that looked incredible and made the characters the star of the show.

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