Honestly this is the most weirdest episode of them all. It was so hard to watch let alone finish it.

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Mines of Moria.... reimagined. #lotr

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The only question is, who could be powerful and large enough to imprison such a gigantic beast?

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Amazing Lovecraftian vibes, with a great tempo of things getting worse and worse. Absolutely loved it.

Very good animation, not the best they've done, there's no moment where you would think it's not animation, but still very good.

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Jesus, I didn't think things could get more gruesome than Mason's Rats and parts of Swarm, but this one had some really grody moments that made me squirm. Also I gotta be honest, I would've been way more satisfied if it had just been bioluminescent goop and weird spider aliens and then everyone died or some of them bailed and just got out of the cave and had it nuked from orbit. It coming down to Cthulhu was almost disappointing after all the other shit, but I can appreciate the way it was represented, that was pretty damn cool. Also, nice to see Christian Serratos again, she did an amazing job. The animation was really good for a lot of parts and then glaringly, obviously animation in some other parts (mainly with bright lighting and certain facial angles). Really good, overall, but yuck.

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This show does not like the military at all. How many times do we have to see them get torn to pieces?

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I feel like I should enjoy this more than I did. It is a heavily Lovecrafitan inspired one after all and who doesn't like some nice little Cthulhu tidbits?

Still, there was just something missing.

The animation was fine, even though it reminded me a lot of a video game (a good animated one albeit), still not the most interesting visuals the show has to over.

The characters fell very flat. It was just your run-in-the-mill group of soldiers and before you are able to learn any name they are killed one by one in brutal fashion. I feel like I have seen this before on the show, just done better.

I think from a Cthulhu myth inspired episode I expected more creativity.

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Jesus christ. That's some Old Ones horror alright. Solid stuff. Could easily be the intro to a film where everyone proceeds to not listen to her and investigate anyway, coz people.

Always a pleasure having Joe Manganiello on my screen, CGI or not.

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Sarge was kind of a dick. Lead his team into a hell pit.

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[Netflix] The show cannot miss the incursion into the cosmic entities of H.P. Lovecraft, the universe of that cosmic horror that seeks to dominate the planet parasitizing human beings. Sony Pictures Imageworks animation is possibly one of the weakest this season, compared to other 3D short films. S3 feels like little exploration of the possibilities of animation beyond copying the physicality of reality.

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Shout by Prince Sharma
BlockedParent2022-05-27T08:51:50Z— updated 2022-06-01T14:29:58Z

This honestly looked like an scene of some Resident evil CGi movie. Some dumb shenanigans, why didn't they just run through the cave when the saw those little meat eating critters? They didn't happen to gaze upon on the Temple thing when they came out of the cave? Why did sarge kill those two people?

Ending was a bit traumatizing tho.

Edit : Typo.

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For a second i thought that it is a live action short-film, amazing animation

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Ooo who doesn’t love the “creepy alien things hidden away in caverns” thing.
Also, hail chthulhu :upside_down:

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Brilliant depiction of Lovecraftian horror. They got the vibes down right. Perfect.

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“Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn"
In his house at R’lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming.

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woah! is that Cthulhu? :open_mouth::confused:

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Honestly if you start a movie with the end scene of this, you got a blockbuster on your hands. I thought this was very interesting.

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