Shout by Zoe

I love how Diamond quoted Beyonce lyrics at Carlton. Twice.

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It must suck for Mark knowing Jessica would fuck Barnett at any given moment

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Seriously why is diamond wearing a wig? Lol. I can’t unsee that now. Lol

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This gay dude is hilarious. Claiming victim status when he hid the truth the entire time.

If it wasn't a big deal he would have revealed it on day 3 or 4. Instead he waited until he could attempt to guilt trip her with an engagement & claiming no other females ever had a problem with it. LMAO

His pod personality was 100% fake. The real him was at the pool.

Oh and Jessica doesn't like Mark at all and it doesn't help that he's the little guy of the bunch... she's looking for an exit.

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I knew the real Carlton wud show his colors :clown:

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